
After your baby is delivered, the placenta follows. This is the case in most births. But there are some exceptions.

Delivery of the placenta is also known as the third stage of labor. Delivery of the entire placenta is vital to your health after giving birth. Retained placenta can cause bleeding and other unwanted side effects.




  • estrogen
  • 人绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)
  • progesterone

这placenta has two sides. The parental side is usually dark red in color, while the fetal side is shiny and almost translucent in color. After the baby is born, a doctor will examine the placenta to ensure each side appears as it is expected to.

Some people ask to save their placenta and will boil it to eat it or even dehydrate it and encapsulate it into pills. In fact, some people believe that taking the pills will reduce postpartum depression or postpartum anemia. However, scientific studies have not proven these effects.

Other people plant the placenta in the ground as a symbolic gesture of the connection between life and earth.


胎盘交付after a vaginal birth

In a vaginal delivery, after the baby is born, your uterus will continue to contract. These contractions will move the placenta forward for delivery. They aren’t usually as strong as labor contractions.

However, some doctors may ask you to continue to push, or they may press on your stomach as a means to advance the placenta forward. Usually, placenta delivery is quick, within about 5 minutes after having your baby. However, it can take longer for some people.




胎盘交付after a cesarean



Breastfeeding or chestfeeding a baby immediately after birth or placing the baby on your skin (known as skin-to-skin contact) can also cause the uterus to contract.

Regardless of how your placenta is delivered, your doctor will inspect it for intactness.


A birthing person should deliver the placenta within 30 to 60 minutes after having the baby. If the placenta isn’t delivered or doesn’t come out entirely, it’s called retained placenta.


  • 这cervix has closed and is too small an opening for the placenta to move through.
  • 这placenta is too tightly attached to the wall of the uterus.
  • 胎盘的一部分在交货过程中破裂或固定。

Retained placenta is a major concern because the uterus must clamp back down after giving birth. Tightening the uterus helps the blood vessels inside stop bleeding. If the placenta is retained, a person can experience bleeding or infection.

Retained portions of the placenta after delivery can lead to dangerous bleeding and infection. A doctor will typically recommend surgical removal as quickly as possible.

However, sometimes the placenta is so attached to the uterus that it isn’t possible to remove without also removing the uterus (hysterectomy).

A person is at increased risk for retained placenta if they have any of the following:

  • previous history of retained placenta
  • previous history of cesarean delivery
  • history of uterine fibroids



