
Experiencing bleeding at any point during pregnancy can be scary. But keep in mind: There are times when finding discharge that resembles blood is a normal part of pregnancy.

But what about pinkish-brown discharge? Is this dangerous for you or your baby-to-be?


What causes pinkish-brown discharge during pregnancy?

Implantation bleeding

If you’re very early on in your pregnancy and actively looking for symptoms, you may notice some light spotting around week 4. This can beimplantation bleeding,或当受精的胚胎钻进子宫高血管内膜时发生的出血。

Cervical irritation

During pregnancy, yourcervix(the bottom of your uterus and the part that opens and stretches during labor) is highly vascular. This means it has a lot of blood vessels, so it can bleed easily.

If your cervix is irritated during pregnancy, it may cause some brownish-pink discharge. This can happen at any point during your pregnancy. It may be caused by sex, a cervical check by your doctor, or an infection.

Ectopic pregnancy

In rare cases, brownish-pink discharge can be caused by an异位妊娠。这是妊娠发生在子宫外的时候,最常见于输卵管

The brownish color occurs because the bleeding is older blood, not bright red (new) blood. An ectopic pregnancy is a life-threatening emergency.



Any bleeding during pregnancy can be an early sign of流产。通常,导致流产的流血还伴随着其他症状。因此,如果您注意到棕褐色排放,请注意其他症状,包括:

Unknown reasons

Many times, there’s no obvious reason for bleeding during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. One study found that as many as one-fourth of women reported some kind of bleeding during the first few months of their pregnancies. Although researchers speculated that the bleeding was an early sign of the placenta not developing properly, they aren’t sure of all of the reasons bleeding can happen. Call your doctor if you experience other symptoms, or if you’re concerned.

Mucus plug

You may belosing your mucus plugif you’re further along in your pregnancy, (anywhere from 36 to 40 weeks) and notice an increase in discharge that is brownish, pink, or even slightly green-tinged.



If you notice a small amount of pinkish-brown discharge during your pregnancy, don’t panic. In most cases, a small amount of blood-tinged discharge is normal. Ask yourself if there could be any possible reason for the discharge. Were you checked by your doctor recently? Did you have sex in the last 24 hours? Are you nearing the end of your pregnancy and might be losing your mucus plug?
