
恶心,背部疼痛,耻骨骨痛,姿势减弱,清单持续了!怀孕是一个令人难以置信和有益的旅程,但你的body goes through a lot of changes在途中。


In my second pregnancy I quickly discovered that my pelvis was stretching and shifting even more than during my first pregnancy, causing sharp pains in the lower back area and front of the pelvis. This happened at different times, mostly starting from the beginning of the second trimester.

In doing Pilates and fitness for many years, I thought, “Hey I’ve got this!” There was a catch though.

You see, in my regular teaching I’d advise clients to strengthen theirglutes,核心和姿势,做一些具体的延伸来帮助这个问题(一旦他们从医生或物理治疗师建立了确切的条件)。

But in pregnancy, when this really flared up for me, the regular glute exercises caused me more pain due to the shearing and movement of the tailbone area. Additionally, I couldn’t work my core except my骨盆底,由于怀孕期间的核心工作不建议。



Whenever possible I recommend you do all of these exercises in all four categories (upper back, pelvis, lower back, glutes) to ensure you’re giving your body the best chance at gaining strength and relieving pain holistically. Back pain needs to be addressed by thinking about the surrounding areas not just the area in pain.

If that isn’t always possible you can pick and choose what feels right for you on different days too. Gentle movement and appropriatestretchingwill in most cases feel better than doing nothing.

Here’s my pick of Pilates-based back pain exercises that can help you during pregnancy. These can be done throughout all trimesters.

TheraBand arm pull

  • Stand or sit holding a TheraBand shoulder distance apart, arms stretched in front of chest.
  • 当你呼气时,将手臂保持直线,在通过武器保持高度的同时将带分开,将肩胛骨挤在一起。
  • Control the band back to start position.
  • 做10到15次代表。


  • 站立或坐着,在90度的位置,从你身边带上双臂,使拳头指向向前。
  • As you exhale, press both arms forward as if you are moving through water or resisting the movement, making sure you keep shoulder blades together.
  • As you inhale, pull arms back to start position, maintaining a strong squeeze through your arms, upper back, and shoulders.
  • 做10到15次代表。


  • 在手和膝盖上,沿着地板延伸一条臂和相对的腿,用身体抬起直线,持续几秒钟。
  • Maintain hip stability and shoulder stability.
  • 仔细返回地板并重复另一边。
  • 每侧10次代表。

Glute stretch

  • Begin sitting on a chair or the floor.
  • 将一条腿穿过另一条腿,轻轻按下你的膝盖到一边,直到你在你的屁股和臀部伸展。
  • 保持彼此坐着骨头。
  • Hold for 20 seconds each side.


  • 坐在地板上,直接在你面前的腿。(如果你是第三个三个月结束,你的肚子更大,你可以将腿分开,所以你坐在“v”位置,但不是太宽。)
  • Sit tall, inhale, arms reaching forward.
  • 呼气,从臀部到达,直到你觉得腿部的伸展和腰部。
  • Keep knees on floor and do not slouch.
  • 保持20秒。


  • 如果需要,躺在你身边,用枕头支撑你的肚子。
  • 把手或枕头放在头下。
  • Bend your knees so your heels line up with your hips, keeping your chest open.
  • Pressing your heels together, inhale then exhale opening your top knee away from bottom knee.
  • You should feel your hip and glute working. Try to keep your thighs relaxed.
  • 只去了一个小way up if your lower back is sore.
  • Do 10 to 20 reps each side.

Leg raises

  • Place hands under shoulders, knees under hips on all fours.
  • Inhale, stretching one leg back along the floor.
  • Exhale and lift your stretched leg off floor slowly, squeezing your butt muscle with foot pointed.
  • Lift and lower your leg without touching the floor, working into your butt each time.
  • 保持臀部和躯干稳定。
  • 如果腰部或骨盆疼痛,只能向上和向下移动。
  • 每条腿做15个代表。


Vanessa Bartlett是一个演示者,作家,生活教练和全面普拉提教练,拥有20年的经验。她在经过肾上腺疲劳后,在帮助客户达到平衡的身体和心灵时,她收到了医疗保健的创新奖,而且在帮助客户达到均衡的身体和心灵。访问www.vanessabhealth.comto get in touch or do one of her programs.