

  • hormones
  • immune system cells
  • nutrients
  • hormones
  • 宝宝的尿液

At its highest level, the amniotic fluid in your belly is around 1 quart. After怀孕36周, your fluid levels start to decrease as your body prepares for your baby’s delivery.

当您的医生表演时ultrasoundsprior to delivery, they’ll estimate the amount of amniotic fluid your baby is surrounded by. It’s possible that the fluid may start to leak at some point.


Sometimes it can be tough to tell if the fluid you are leaking is amniotic fluid. Here’s a look at the symptoms.


The amount of amniotic fluid cushioning your baby tends to increase as your pregnancy progresses, reaching its highest point at about 36 weeks.

Fluid levels throughout your pregnancy could be around:

  • 60 milliliters (mL) at 12 weeks gestation
  • 175 mL at 16 weeks gestation
  • 400至1,200毫升在34至38周之间

Your doctor can measure your amniotic fluid levels using an ultrasound. There are two calculations on ways to measure, known as the amniotic fluid index (AFI) or the maximum vertical pocket (MPV).

如果您的AFI小于5厘米(CM)或MPV小于2 cm,则医生认为您的流体水平很低。



When you’re pregnant, you may feel like everything leaks: Your bladder becomes fuller faster, and you may leak urine. Your vaginal tissues also may produce extra fluid to help your baby pass more easily. So it can be difficult to determine if fluid is urine, amniotic fluid, orvaginal fluid


  • clear, white-flecked, and/or tinged with mucus or blood
  • no odor
  • often saturates your underwear


Another way you can try to determine if the fluid is amniotic fluid is to first empty your bladder. Place a sanitary pad or panty liner in your underwear and examine the fluid that is on the pad after 30 minutes to an hour. If the fluid is yellow in color, it’s likely urine. If it isn’t, the fluid could be amniotic fluid.


Risk factors for amniotic fluid leakage


Leaking amniotic fluid during the first and/or second trimesters can cause complications, including:


  • difficulties during labor, such as squeezing the umbilical cord, which can affect a baby’s ability to get oxygen
  • 增加风险剖宫产
  • 增长放缓

There are several treatments for low levels of amniotic fluid if yours has leaked too much. Your doctor can advise the best treatment option.



You should also call your doctor if you think your membranes may have ruptured, also known as your “water breaking.” You should note the color of the discharge to tell your doctor. You’ll likely be instructed to head to the hospital.

Next steps
