多囊卵巢综合征, or PCOS, is a hormonal condition that tampers with more than just your fertility, but you might first receive a diagnosis when you’re trying to get pregnant. This is because it’s a common — and treatable —cause of infertilityin women.

根据美国疾病控制中心(CDC), up to 12 percent of women 在美国,由于未经治疗的PCOS,难以怀孕。实际上,这个数字可能更大,因为几乎50%的女性with this syndrome don’t know they have it or are not diagnosed correctly.

Having PCOS doesn’t mean you can’t get pregnant. It just might be a bit trickier and you may need extra help. There is plenty that you can do at home and with medical treatment to keep PCOS symptoms at bay and raise your chances for a healthy怀孕

Getting pregnant with PCOS involves some of the same steps that women without PCOS should take for a healthy pregnancy.

  1. 请您的医生测量体重和体重指数(BMI)。您的BMIshows whether you have a healthy body weight and how much of your body composition is fat. If you are carrying extra weight, talk to your doctor about how much weight you need to lose before you get pregnant.
  2. 开始健康的饮食和运动计划。Get into the habit of choosing healthier food choices and being more active.
  3. Use an ovulation calendar or app to track when you have your period.This helps you make a better guess about which days of the month you are more likely to get pregnant.
  4. Check your blood sugar levels.See your doctor to make sure your blood sugar levels are balanced. Your blood sugar levels are important in getting pregnant, having a healthy pregnancy, and even in your baby’s future health.

Being overweight has been linked to PCOS, but many women who have this condition are not overweight at all. Still, if you are carrying extra weight, you may improve your fertility and reduce other PCOS symptoms by失去just5 percent of your weight

Exercise daily by going for a walk and getting in your steps. Use astanding desk而不是在工作时坐下。举起轻重量while watching TV as building more muscle helps bring down PCOS symptoms and improves your health.


  • fresh and cooked fruit and vegetables
  • whole grains像糙米,燕麦和大麦
  • beans and lentils
  • chicken

Certain vitamins and minerals are important for a healthy pregnancy and a growing baby. Ask your doctor about the best supplements for you. Supplements that may help fertility include:

您的doctor will test your blood sugar levels if you’re having trouble getting pregnant. PCOS sometimes leads tohigh blood sugar levelsor type 2 diabetes. This may cause fertility problems.

This happens because PCOS may change how your body uses胰岛素。This important hormone moves sugar (glucose) out of the blood and into the muscles and cells where it is burned for energy. PCOS makes your body less sensitive to insulin — making it harder for it to do its job.

平衡血糖水平可能会帮助您怀孕。多吃健康的饮食fiber, protein, and健康的脂肪。进行大量的日常运动和力量训练也可以帮助您的身体更好地使用胰岛素。

在某些情况下,您的医生可能会建议药物以帮助平衡血糖水平。普通的2型糖尿病drug called二甲双胍(or Glucophage) makes your body use insulin better to help lower high blood sugar. This can also help you get pregnant with PCOS.


If you have high blood sugar levels or type 2 diabetes, it’s important to check your blood sugar levels with a家用显示器every day.

您的doctor will check your blood sugar levels with tests, including:

If you have PCOS your body might make more of both the male hormone testosterone and the female hormone estrogen. Too much (or too little) of these hormones can make it tricky to get pregnant. Your doctor might recommend prescription medications to help balance your hormones.

Medications to help you get pregnant with PCOS include:

  • 二甲双胍以平衡胰岛素水平
  • clomiphene citrate(或clomid)帮助平衡雌激素水平
  • birth control pills to balance estrogen and testosterone levels (before beginning fertility treatment)
  • 生育药物开始启动卵巢以发送更多鸡蛋

You may needin vitro fertilization (IVF)治疗以帮助您怀孕PCOS。您的生育医生将为您提供一项检查,其中可能包括更多的血液检查,超声检查和身体检查。

IVF is a process that can take months or even years whether you have PCOS or not. However, medical 研究 shows that women with PCOS have a high success rate of getting pregnant with IVF treatment.

Some clinical studies found that women with PCOS who tookbirth control pillsbefore the IVF treatment had better results. You may also need other mediations to help balance hormones and get your body ready for the IVF treatment.

For all women, the first step in IVF treatment is to eat a balanced diet and get plenty of exercise to reach a healthy weight. Women with PCOS who are a healthy weight are twice as likely to get pregnant 与肥胖的PCOS相比,IVF的女性。

在探索IVF之前,您的医生可能会建议一个不太成本的替代方案intrauterine insemination (IUI)。该过程增加了怀孕的机会,因为它直接注入了更靠近卵子的精子。

PCOS可能会使怀孕更加困难,因为它会影响您的menstruation cycle(your monthly period). Symptoms include:

If you don’t get treated for PCOS, it also raises your risk for other health conditions, like:

No one knows why some women get PCOS. Nothing you did — or didn’t do— caused you to have this condition. But getting an early diagnosis and treatment along with making other lifestyle changes may help you get pregnant and prevent health complications from PCOS.


If medications don’t help you get pregnant, your doctor may recommend IVF treatments. Most women with PCOS have a20%至40%的机会of getting pregnant with IVF treatment. Women who are 35 years old and older or who are overweight have a lower chance of getting pregnant.

You can get pregnant with PCOS. You will likely need to have moderate weight, balance your blood sugar levels, and treat other PCOS symptoms with healthy lifestyle changes and medications.

