2020年4月, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 要求将所有形式的处方和非处方(OTC)Ranitidine(Zantac)从美国市场中删除。这一建议之所以提出,是因为在某些ranitidine产品中发现了不可接受的NDMA水平的NDMA水平(可能是致癌化学物质)。如果您开处方了Ranitidine,请在停止药物之前与您的医生谈谈安全的替代选择。如果您要服用OTC Ranitidine,请停止服用药物,与您的医疗保健提供者讨论其他选择。与其将未使用的Ranitidine产品带到药物收款站点,不如根据产品的说明或遵循FDA的方式处置它们 guidance .

Ranitidine(品牌Zantac)现在被销售为Zantac 360,其中包含另一种活性成分(Famotidine)。Famotidine与Ranitidine处于同一类,并以相同的方式工作,但尚未发现含有不可接受的NDMA水平。

You expected the swollen ankles, themorning sickness, and the burgeoning breasts. But this burning indigestion? Where’d that come from?


In addition to feeling a burning sensation — which can last several minutes to several hours — you may also:

  • 感到肿
  • belch a lot
  • 嘴里有酸味
  • have a sore throat
  • 经常咳嗽


如果您觉得自己的胸部有三弹药跳舞,那么您并不孤单。根据一项研究, 45%的准妈妈 体验胃灼热。而且,如果您在怀孕前烧心,那么您就更有可能在此期间拥有胃灼热。



Progesterone, also called the “pregnancy hormone” because it nurtures your womb and the baby inside it, is the leading culprit behind pregnancy-related heartburn.

Progesterone acts as a muscle relaxer. In the case of heartburn, the hormone can loosen the tight muscle (called the lower esophageal valve) that closes your stomach off from your esophagus.

When you eat or drink, the muscle normally opens to let contents into the stomach before shutting tightly. But the surging progesterone levels that occur during pregnancy can make that muscle slack, allowing stomach acid to backflow up your esophagus and even into your throat.

Growing baby

As youruterus随着您成长中的婴儿的扩展,它与其他一些器官争夺空间。就像被挤压的牙膏管一样,您的子宫不断增长,胃部压力更大,使胃酸更可能溢出 - 尤其是如果您的胃饱满。

这more your uterus grows, the more likely your stomach will get squeezed. This may help explain why heartburn is more common as you progress through pregnancy.


Thanks to progesterone, stomach contents stick around longer than normal. As digestion slows and the stomach remains fuller longer, the chances of heartburn increase.


1. Watch what you eat

这并不奇怪,酸性和辛辣食品create more stomach acid than bland ones (till we meet again, Taco Tuesday!). Avoid citrus, tomatoes, onions, garlic, caffeine, chocolate, sodas, and other acidic foods. Also steer clear of fried or fatty foods, which slow digestion.

2. Eat frequent small meals instead of three a day


3.坐起来straight when you eat

您妈妈实际上对此是正确的 - 还有很多其他事情。重力将帮助您的食物逗留。


Giving digestion a head start before you lie down — which slows the emptying of your stomach — for the night will help control your heartburn.

5. Don’t smoke

这re are a lot of reasons why you shouldn’t smoke during pregnancy, and heartburn is just one of them. Chemicals in cigarettes cause the valve that keeps stomach contents down to relax. This allows acids and undigested foods to splash upward and take their fiery aim.


这easiest way to achieve this is by placing pillows under your shoulders, raising the head of your bed with blocks placed underneath the bed’s legs, or buying a special wedge pillow to place between the mattress and box spring. Sleeping propped up is another way to have gravity work for you.

7. Wear loose-fitting clothing

Step away from the Spanx and any other garment that creates pressure around your midsection. Rock your bump, and the stretchy, comfy pants, too!


Drink liquids along with your food and you could be creating an overfull, sloshy stomach environment primed for heartburn.

9. Give acupuncture a try

Ina 2015 study,接受针灸的孕妇与那些没有表现出症状没有差异的孕妇 - 但是那些针灸的妇女确实报告了睡眠和饮食能力的改善。


Besides the fact that exposure to alcohol can cause all kinds of problems for your developing baby ― everything fromlow birth weight学习障碍 - 酒精还可以放松胃内胃中含量的瓣膜。

11. Talk to your doctor about heartburn medications

这包括非处方(OTC) - 有些在怀孕期间安全服用。

抗酸剂有助于中和胃中的酸,并平息燃烧的感觉。这University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health包含钙ca说场外抗酸药rbonate (like Tums) are safe to use.

If you haven’t been able to quiet your heartburn with lifestyle changes, your doctor may suggest heartburn drugs like Tagamet and Prilosec, which are generally considered safe during pregnancy. While these drugs are available OTC, you might receive a prescription for a stronger dose if your doctor thinks it’s warranted.


  • Antacids containing sodium bicarbonate, which can increase swelling.
  • 含有阿司匹林的抗酸剂,可能对您的婴儿有毒。怀孕期间使用阿司匹林联系with pregnancy loss, heart defects, and bleeding on the brain in premature infants. (In some cases, your doctor may have you on aspirin as a treatment or preventative for other pregnancy complications, like preeclampsia.)
  • Antacids containing magnesium trisilicate, which haven’t been proven safe to use in pregnancy.

While pregnancy heartburn is common and uncomfortable, the sizzle should subside once you give birth and hormone levels return to normal.

You may not be able to prevent heartburn, especially if you’re prone to it even when you’re not pregnant, but you can help put out the flames with some simplelifestyle changes,例如吃小饭,避免辛辣或脂肪食物,以及抬高头和肩膀的睡眠。

If these measures don’t bring enough relief, talk to your doctor about medications that are safe to use during pregnancy.