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当你的re pregnant, it can be scary to hear your baby has an arrhythmia. But what does this actually mean?

An arrhythmia is an irregular heart rate — too fast, too slow, or otherwise outside the norm. Your doctor may discover this anomaly when doing a routine ultrasound or listening to your baby’s heart with a Doppler device.

最多 fetal arrhythmias are benign. However, your doctor may want to monitor your baby closely because some types may indicate a heart defect. Without treatment, these conditions may lead to a buildup of fluid in your baby’s body/tissues (hydrops fetalis),早产甚至死亡。

Hearing your little one’s heartbeat is special. You may notice it’s faster than your own. In fact, a normal fetal heart rate is 之间的任何地方 每分钟110和160节。(也必须注意,胎儿心率可能会发生变化,并且从Beat到Beat也是可变的。)


在周围检测到胎儿心律不齐 2 percent of pregnancies. You may be at higher risk if you:

  • have autoantibodies to Ro/SSA and La/SSB, which are found in people with certain autoimmune diseases, like lupus or Sjögren’s disease
  • havephenylketonuria
  • 患有糖尿病或gestational diabetes
  • had a fetal heart block in previous pregnancy
  • 致病性药物或药物
  • 头三个月感染,例如风疹,细小病毒B19或巨细胞病毒
  • 在超声波上检测到胎儿异常
  • 怀孕了in vitro fertilization
  • 怀有单chorionic双胞胎(相同的双胞胎共享胎盘)

Your baby may also be at a 更高 risk of heart defects if there’s a family history or if they have a chromosomal abnormality, such asDown syndrome,Turner syndrome, ortrisomies 13 and 18. In cases where a first-degree relative (mom, dad, or sibling) has a heart defect, there’s a 三倍 increase in the risk that a baby may have a heart defect as well.

Fetal arrhythmias may not always be caused by a structural heart defect, though. Instead, they may be caused by things like inflammation or electrolyte imbalances. Sometimes the cause may even be unknown.

If your doctor suspects your baby has an arrhythmia, you may be sent for more detailed imaging called a fetal echocardiogram. An echo helps to visualize the structures of the heart, blood flow, and other features to help with diagnosis.

该测试是无创的,通常由训练有素的超声检查员作为腹部超声检查。胎儿回声可以早在 12 weeks into pregnancy but are more reliable after the 17- to 18-week mark.

The images from the echo are looked over by a pediatric cardiologist. If the results are abnormal, you may be referred to a母亲医学专家for additional monitoring throughout your pregnancy.

There are a number of different fetal arrhythmias. It can be overwhelming researching them on your own — ask your doctor to explain your baby’s to you so you understand what’s going on and what part of the heart is affected. The most common types you may encounter include the following:

Extrasystoles or premature contractions (PCs)


孤立发生的PACS或PVC可能不需要任何类型的治疗方法,并且实际上可以在您的婴儿出生之前就自己解决。就是说, 2%至3% of cases may lead to supraventricular tachycardia (SVT).


当婴儿的心率超过每分钟超过160次,这就是心动过速。当这种情况更持久地发生时,它被称为持续心动过速,发生的时间超过 50% of the time. A heart rate that is too fast may lead to hydrops, heart failure, or多氢化物(too much amniotic fluid).



When a baby’s heart rate is under 110 beats per minute, it’s called bradycardia. To be classified as sustained bradycardia, your baby’s heart rate must remain low for 10 minutes or more when monitored.

较短的心率缓慢时期称为瞬时胎儿减速,可能是良性的,尤其是在妊娠中期。大约 30% of sustained bradycardia cases will resolve without treatment before delivery.

Atrioventricular blocks

先天性心脏块也称为心房块,并且有不同的程度。例如,在周围存在危险的心率下降的完整块 1 in 20,000 births 在美国。

Heart blocks are caused 通过先天性心脏缺陷或通过暴露于母体抗RO/SSA抗体的情况新生儿狼疮.

Not all fetal arrhythmias require special treatment. If your doctor detects an irregular heart rate at your appointment, you may be referred to a specialist to monitor your baby’s heart through the rest of your pregnancy. If things are stable or improve on their own, no further treatment may be necessary.


  • 原因
  • 你的健康
  • your baby’s health
  • how far along you are in your pregnancy

您的医生可能会选择在您的婴儿仍在子宫内用药物或某些情况下进行手术治疗。或者 - 再次 - 您可能会进行密切监视以观察进度。例如,有了完整的心脏障碍,医生可以通过为您提供类固醇或羟氯喹等药物来治疗它。

Your doctor can best explain the course of treatment and monitoring as it applies to your case directly. Each baby, each pregnancy, and each heart issue is unique, and any treatment you receive will take this into account.

大多数胎儿心律不齐是良性的,可以在分娩前自行解决。和短暂的心律失常 - 那些来去去的人 - 比持续的心律不齐更常见,这种心律不齐,这种心律不齐,这种心律失常始终或更常见。

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 报告说,在美国,每年约有1%的婴儿(40,000)出生于先天性心脏缺陷。诸如持续心动过速和持续性心动过缓之类的问题可能会导致胎儿的水力,早产或死亡,如果未被发现或未治疗。


如果您担心婴儿的心率或有任何风险因素,请与医生交谈congenital heart defects.
