A positive attitude and lifestyle are very important aspects of a healthy pregnancy, but it also takes good prenatal care and the help of a healthcare professional. It’s important to be well informed about your options and decide on a birthing plan that fits your needs.

If you experience any symptoms associated with pregnancy, your first step is to consult your primary care physician. They will confirm the pregnancy and advise you on choosing specialists to help monitor your pregnancy.


An OB-GYN is a doctor specializing in the care of women and their reproductive health. Obstetrics deals specifically with pregnancy and birth, and gynecology involves care of the female reproductive system outside of pregnancy.

Your obstetrician will guide you through the entire pregnancy. It’s possible that the doctor you have seen for your reproductive health needs may only practice gynecology. In this case, you will be referred to an OB-GYN with an active obstetrics practice.


A midwife can be an excellent option as your primary guide for a low-risk pregnancy. You may need to see an obstetrician if there are any complications that arise during pregnancy, labor, or delivery.

助产士ry and obstetrics can very often be complementary. Midwives don’t perform cesarean deliveries (commonly referred to as C-sections), so that procedure will be referred back to the obstetrician.


A doula is a layperson who is trained as a labor companion. Doulas aren’t medical professionals. Their primary role is to offer emotional and physical support during labor.



It’s becoming more and more possible for women to choose how and where they will give birth. Although most birthing decisions can’t be finalized until the delivery itself, it’s important to understand your options and have an idea of what feels right for you.

Hospital birth

Most babies born in the United States are delivered in a hospital setting. There may be several hospitals in your area. You and your doctor can determine the appropriate hospital for your delivery.

医院有劳动和送货套件和手术室C-sections。Most hospitals have labor/delivery/recovery (LDR) suites, which are large rooms that are set up to allow women to stay in one room from labor through recovery.




The medical care is administered by nurse-midwives or certified midwives. There is no obstetrician or anesthesiologist on site and no capabilities to perform C-sections.



水生aren’t widely used in the obstetric community, but are more accepted among midwives. Most water births are done at home, but some hospitals and birthing centers offer water birthing services.





Professionals attending women in家庭分娩are trained to provide limited medical care such as suction and the administration of oxygen.



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  • 辅助交付首选项
  • timeline for holding the baby
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出生计划s aren’t set in stone. They may need to change during labor and delivery if complications occur.

Enrolling in a childbirth class is a great way to prepare for labor and delivery, and gives you the opportunity to ask any questions or voice any concerns to a trained childbirth instructor.
