我不想淡化问题 - 有很多。但是,看着光明的一面使我获得了大流行怀孕的一些意外津贴。

Like most expectant women, I had a pretty clear vision of how I wanted my pregnancy to go. No complications, minimal morning sickness, decent sleep before the storm, and maybe a pedicure every once in a while. Believe it or not, that vision did not include apandemic

Since the news broke that our country was going into lockdown, all of my expectant mom groups on social media exploded with concern. And rightfully so.

New Yorkkicked things off not even allowing partners to join birthing mothers in the delivery room, and even when that wasoverturned, most hospitals were limiting birthing partners to one, and sending them home after just a few hours postpartum.


There was also the concern about when our parents would get to see their new grandchild, or the safety of leaning on them to help out with my 2-year old son in the weeks after birth.

While pregnancy is supposed to be an exciting time filled with maternity photos andnewsletters提醒我们,婴儿的果实与大小相当,我有时很想担心,我忘了何时到期。

To help me press on and muscle through the weeks of uncertainty ahead, I have made an extra effort to seek out the surprising perks of this strange experience we callpandemic pregnancy.

你知道什么真的很好吗?能够让我(迅速)成长first trimesterbump out into the world (okay, it’s just my house) without feeling the need to squeeze it into Spanx or hide it under unflattering sweaters until I was ready to tell the world about the baby on the way.

Unlike my first pregnancy, all first trimester I was able to wear clothes that were actually comfortable for my growing body, and not worry that people would start placing secret bets on whether I was expecting or just eating too much pizza.

You know what is also generally annoying about the workplace and first trimester? Having to constantly come up with excuses for why you’re not toasting the promotion of a co-worker or sampling thesushiwhen you’re invited out to work parties and functions.

我是说,notsipping your favorite wine or going for that second cup of coffee you’d really love to have is a pregnancy struggle in itself, at least in COVID-19 Life. I don’t have to be surrounded by temptation (and forced to lie) every time I’m around friends or co-workers in order to keep my pregnancy under wraps.

Oh,morning sickness… What is an uncomfortable enough experience is made even more mortifying when it happens at your cubicle desk.

You can only fake “food poisoning” so many times, so it’s been nice to be able to hang out nearby my own porcelain throne until the symptoms passed.

I don’t know if it’s the work-from-home and parent-a-toddler juggle, or if it’s just normalpregnancy exhaustion,但我似乎无法获得足够的睡眠。说真的,我的9个小时很稳定仍然基本上是Dinnertime的无功能懒惰。

With my body working overtime to grow a human, I can’t say I’m mad about the idea of working on more “flexible” hours at home with no early alarms going off for 5 a.m. spin class or an hour-long commute.



I also don’t have to squeeze my swollen sore feet into cute office-appropriate shoes. YES!!

I don’t know where this mystical pregnancy glow is people keep referencing, but this baby has definitely made my face break out and I haven’t bothered to cover it up with concealer for over a month.

Likewise, my hair gets washed exactly once a week (before a video conference call, of course) and my roots look more skunk-tail than ombre-chic.

And my nails? Oh boy. I made the mistake of getting an expensive shellac mani the week before lockdown, and I just basically decided to rock heavily chipped maroon fingertips and overgrown cuticles ever since.

Pre-COVID, I would begrudgingly primp, but I’m feeling just fine about having the luxury of looking as crappy as I feel.

In my first pregnancy, I would often wait for up to 2 hours after my appointment time to see my obstetrician. Now? Everything is timed to the minute so that I’m seen moments after I sit down (in the physically/socially distanced waiting room). BONUS.

让我们直接做一件事 - 我花了几个星期的时间使我的家人3月中旬的阳光明媚的加利福尼亚旅行感到悲伤,所以我绝对喜欢旅行。但是工作呢?硬通行证。


Even if it’s an expected, normal, and amazing part of pregnancy, watching yourbody changeso rapidly can be uncomfortable, and even anxiety-provoking for a lot of women.

While it would be considered taboo and rude to comment on a woman’s weight gain — never mind actually CARESS her stomach — any other time of life, during pregnancy, for some reason, it’s just what people do!

Even when the comments are obviously well meaning and the belly gropes are supposedly endearing, they can make you feel self-conscious AF.


How nice it is for people not to be body checking me at every chance and to look at my face — not my stomach — when we talk!

Okay, so sure, your mother-in-law and mom aredefinitely仍然going to tell you about why they breastfed, their drug-free labor, or how to swaddle the baby via FaceTime. But the fewer face-to-face human interactions you have, the less time there is for unwanted small talk about your unborn child.

As soon as I went into hiding, I stopped hearing things like, “Oh I hope this one is a girl!” or “You need to make sure your son is well socialized in day care before baby two comes!” Now, the few moments we do have virtually interacting with colleagues, family or friends are packed with actual合法的事情(例如,不是我未出生的孩子的性别)。

Pregnant or not, can we all just agree that less small talk is a major perk of COVID Life?

Sure, for those of us who are second- or third-time parents, not having people around to entertain our toddlers and older kids is a bit of an overwhelming thought. But if there’s any silver lining in social isolation, it’s that you have a legitimate excuse to keep unwelcome visitors to an extreme minimum.

While some visitors know the unspoken rules of newborn visits (e.g. bring food, 30 minutes or less, wash your hands, and don’t touch the baby unless told you can), others just have no clue and end up being a lot of work to entertain.

没有接待访客的压力,您可能会有更多时间与您的小孩子联系,更多的时间午睡或休息,不太义务穿衣服,淋浴或放在您的“快乐脸上”,甚至可能有一个更平稳的母乳喂养experience (if that’s in your plans).

So first of all, I acknowledge my immense privilege in still having a job when so many others across the world do not. No budgeting strategies can compare to the overwhelming loss so many of my peers are facing right now.

But if we are attempting to focus solely on the positive, Ihave在隔离区节省了很多钱,可以用一些家庭收入损失以及生另一个孩子的费用。

The maternity clothes, the prenatal massages, thepelvic floor我的保险没有涵盖的治疗,更不用说我通常的“美容”方案了 - 所有这些都每月增加数百美元。


同样,这些轻浮的费用是absolutelynot enough to outweigh the financial losses of families laid off from work, but I find comfort in fantasizing about the little things that might help.

I have to tell you, while being home all day every day with no day care, work friends, playdates, or programs has been a huge challenge for all of us (my son, included), I do feel that the extra time with mom and dad has helped him grow.

Since we locked down, my son’s vocabulary has exploded, and his independence has truly surprised me. It’s also been so nice just to spend that extra time loving on my little family of three before we transition to a busy family of four.


听着,准我COVID-19的净效应men is likely not so glowing. Pregnancy is already a particularly sensitive time for anxiety, depression, uncertainty, financial strain, relationship testing, and exhaustion, and I can’t say I’mnotstruggling with all of this and more. It’s normal and valid to feel sad that this was the unfair hand we’ve been dealt, so I would never want to diminish that experience.

But I also have come to realize that this is our (unfortunate) reality for a little longer, and while raging hormones make it challenging, we can (sometimes) choose where to direct our thoughts. I am over here该死的每天都难以利用一些额外的希望,并将我的精力引导到使这种情况更加明亮的小事情上。

If you are struggling in your pregnancy, quarantined or not, to find a little joy every day, speak to your healthcare provider about getting some (virtual) help.

修道院夏普(Abbey Sharp)是注册营养师,电视和广播人物,美食博客作者,也是Abbey's Kitchen Inc.的创始人。Mindful Glow Cookbook,一本非野菜食谱,旨在激发妇女重新建立与食物的关系。她最近成立了一个育儿Facebook小组,名为《雷竞技ray千禧一代妈妈的心灵进餐指南》。