22 weeks pregnant what to expect Share on Pinterest
Boris Jovanovic/Stocksy United

Welcome to week 22! As you’re well into yoursecond trimester, but not quite nearing your third, there’s a high chance that you’re feeling pretty good right now. (But if you’re not — since morning sickness can linger, and pregnancy constipation is a thing — that’s all normal, too.)

Let’s keep the excitement going and learn more about what expect in week 22 of your pregnancy.


  • Baby is starting to hear, grow eyebrows, and learn to grasp with their hands.
  • You may be getting some relief from early pregnancy symptoms, but might have some backaches, hemorrhoids, or varicose veins.
  • You may want to start looking into a doula and, even better, a potential “babymoon.”
  • 你想要寻找任何out-of-the-ordinary symptoms and report them to your doctor.
  • You may be enjoying more energy!

你觉得那些first fluttersof your baby’s movements yet? If so, that will likely improve your mood even more.

While your pregnancy discomforts may have settled down for now, your uterus continues to grow and stretch to fit your growing baby. It now stretches to about 2 centimeters (3/4 inch) above your belly button.

Friends and family are probably really noticing that baby bump now. You don’t always have to let folks touch your tummy. Feel free to ask them to keep their hands at bay if you want to.

And you may be noticing your feet getting bigger due to relaxin, the hormone that loosens the joints and ligaments in your pelvis to allow baby to make their grand exit. This hormone also relaxes other joints in your body making your foot joints looser (and now wider), too.

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Illustration by Alyssa Kiefer

Your baby now weighs almost 1 pound (.45 kilogram) and is close to 7.5 inches in length. This is about the size of a papaya. Not only is your baby getting bigger, but they’ve undergone enough development to now resemble an infant.

Though your baby still has a lot of growing to do and will continue to put on more weight with each passing week, those超声photos should start looking more like what you imagine a baby to look like.

Your baby’s eyes are also continuing to develop this week. The iris doesn’t yet contain any pigment, but all other visual parts are present, including eyelids and tiny eyebrows.


If babies didn’t already start this in week 21, they can now swallow, and they have a fine hair calledlanugocovering most of their bodies. Lanugo helps hold theVernix Caseosa在婴儿的皮肤上。Vernix Caseosa在子宫中有助于保护婴儿的皮肤。

Symptoms in a twin pregnancy are similar to a singleton in this week. Your babies may be measuring a bit smaller, though.

This week might be a good time to start researchingdouble strollers.

Here’s hoping that this is an easy week for pregnancy symptoms. Many people feel good in the middle of the second trimester, but there are still some bothersome things that can appear.

Symptoms you might experience during week 22 include:



To help combat them, keep your feet up whenever you can. The elevation can help, and so can support stockings or socks.



Drinking lots of liquids and eating foods high in fiber can help prevent hemorrhoids. Aim for at least8 to 10 glasses of waterand 20 to 25 grams ofdietary fibera day. Exercise can also help.


Avoidconstipation. Eat high fiber foods and go when the urge first comes upon you. Delaying defecation can head to harder and more painful hemorrhoids.

If you do develop hemorrhoids, they typically resolve on their own. To help manage the pain associated with hemorrhoids, try soaking in a warm bath several times a day and avoid sitting for long periods of time. You can also speak with your healthcare provider about over-the-counter hemorrhoid creams or medicated wipes.

If you develop hard and swollen external hemorrhoids that continue to bleed, you may havethrombosed hemorrhoids. If that’s the case, see your doctor as you may need to have a minor surgical procedure to get rid of them.

Research childbirth classes



这些课程不仅使准妈妈受益。If you have a partner, bring them along, and they’ll not only learn the basics of what you’ll be going through, but they may learn some relaxation techniques to help keep you confident and strong during labor and the early days of being a new parent.

课程可以快速填补,因此您可能需要立即安排它们。许多医院提供了普遍的分娩课程以及更专业的课程,例如与婴儿CPR相关的医院,母乳喂养基础知识甚至是特定的劳动哲学,例如更自然Bradley method.

Hospitals may also offer a tour of their maternity or baby unit as part of their childbirth classes, which could help you feel more comfortable about your upcoming stay.

If you’re looking for classes outside of your local hospital,Lamaze International或者The International Childbirth Education Associationmay be of some help. No matter where you look, schedule any classes before your 35th week to make sure you allow yourself time for early labor, should it happen.


Adoulais professionally trained assist during childbirth and, sometimes, after childbirth. Doulas provide emotional, physical, and informational support to a pregnant and birthing person.

If you decide to work with a doula, they typically won’t begin assisting you until a few months before your baby is due. If you’re interested in apostpartum doula, a doula that offers assistance after the baby has arrived, the doula won’t begin assisting you until after you’ve brought your baby home.

Because doulas offer support, finding one who is the right fit is extremely important. A labor doula will be with you during labor, and apostpartum doulawill be with you during a time when you’re sleep deprived and adjusting to a lot of changes.

Not only do you want to have enough time to interview doulas, but you also want to make sure that the doula you want is available when you need them. Making arrangements early can help ensure that you’re able to hire your first choice.

If you’re interested in working with a doula, speak with your healthcare provider. They may be able to provide you with a list of recommended doulas or other resources to help you find one. Referrals from friends are another great way to find a doula.


You’re probably feeling great and your bump is adorable, but not yet making it difficult to get around. However, your fatigue will likely return in the third trimester, and your bump will soon become big enough that just the thought of getting around may make you feel exhausted.

Before your belly makes it difficult to do everyday tasks (like putting on your socks) and all you want to do is take a nap, you may want to plan a short trip, orbabymoon, with your partner.

Relaxing with your partner before your lives change to make room for a new family member can be a great way to reinforce the bond you share.

If this isn’t your first child, consider a family trip to reinforce that a new baby won’t change the relationships that you or your partner have with your other child or children.

If you’ll be flying, commercial航空旅行如果您患有健康的怀孕,通常被认为是安全的。在上飞机之前,您仍然应该先检查医生。一些航空公司在怀孕期间也有围绕空中旅行的政策。也请与航空公司联系。

While aboard a plane, stay hydrated and move around to promote circulation. You may want to consider an aisle seat to make it easier to get up as needed.

Call your doctor if you experience vaginal bleeding or fluid leakage, fever, severe abdominal or headache pain, or blurred vision.

If you’re starting to feel what could be labor pains and you’re unsure whether they could beBraxton-Hicks contractions或真实的事情,请致电您的医生以获取专家意见。