The first six weeks after giving birth are known as the postpartum period. This period is an intense time that requiresall sorts of carefor you and your baby.

During this time — which some researchers believe actually lasts 长达六个月 - 您的身体将经历许多变化,从分娩后的康复到荷尔蒙情绪波动。除了增加的应力tackling breastfeeding,sleep deprivation, and the overall monumental adjustment tomotherhood(如果这是您的第一个孩子)。

In short, it can feel like a lot. It’s not uncommon for the first year to feel like a tidal shift.



Week 1

Physical status, post-vaginal delivery

如果您有医院分娩vaginal delivery。取决于您是否撕裂(andhow much), your vagina may hurt quite a lot.

Perineal sorenessis normal, as is bleeding. This first week, the blood should be bright red, but will eventually turn brown like at the end of your period. You’ll also probably feel little contractions, especially when breastfeeding — as weird as it feels, this is just the uterus contracting back to its pre-pregnancy size.

Physical status, after C-section

之后C-section, or cesarean delivery, most movement will be difficult and your incision can be painful. A lot of women have trouble getting in and out of bed — but it’s important to move around, at least a little bit, toavoid blood clots

If you had abladder catheterput in, it will beremoved

Mental health status

Day 3 in particular is infamous for being emotionally difficult. “The birth buzz is wearing off, estrogen and progesterone levels are dropping off, and prolactin and oxytocin levels rise and fall throughout the day while the baby suckles,” says Jocelyn Brown, a licensed and certified midwife in Los Angeles.



  • If you had a vaginal delivery, use an ice pack or frozen pads with witch hazel on your perineum. Use a spray bottle of warm water during or after peeing.
  • Take Tylenol or Advil at regular intervals. Pain begets pain, so do your best to get ahead of it.
  • Take a stool softener and drink lots of water. Many hospitals won’t let you leave unless you’ve pooped, so make it a little easier on yourself.
  • Again, for C-section moms: Your major job the first week is to keep your incision clean and dry. Give it fresh air after a shower, pat it down with a towel, and set your hair dryer to cold and point it at your scar.
  • “It’s very important to take your temperature 2 to 4 times a day for the first 72 hours,” says Brown. “We want to catch a uterine or kidney infection quickly.”

Week 2

Physical status, post-vaginal delivery


At this point though, the bleeding shouldn’t be heavy. You may start to feel vaginal itchiness, which is caused by the area starting to heal. The sutures — which swell with fluid when they disintegrate — may also be bugging you.

“All of this often means that the wound has healed enough that mama simply now has the luxury of being annoyed by the stitches because she is no longer in pain in that area,” says Brown. “I view the itchy-annoyed complaints as a good sign of healing.”

Physical status, after C-section

You’ll still likely feel quite sore but it will probably feel a little easier to move around. Your scar might become a little itchy as the incision site is healing.

Mental health status

Baby blues are totally normal. In fact, 大多数女性 are said to get them.Postpartum depression (PPD), however, is something else entirely.

如果您感到悲伤和anxiety——如果你不能吃或睡觉,不与y键our newborn, or are having suicidal thoughts or thoughts of hurting anyone else — talk to your doctor.


  • If you’re breastfeeding, you’ll be deep into it by now. Make sure to havelanolin手头乳头酸痛并留意堵塞的管道。哺乳顾问在这里可以产生巨大的不同,因此,如果您遇到麻烦,请务必查看一个。
  • Incorporate a little bit of movement into your day — whether that’s a walk around your house or the block.
  • Continue to eat well. Foods with potassium can help keep your energy up.

Week 6

Physical status, post-vaginal delivery

This is when the uterus goes back to pre-pregnancy size and the bleeding stops. Most people are cleared for exercise and sexual activity, but many don’t feel ready for the latter for a long time.

“Around six to eight weeks, I frequently get outreach from mamas who report that their bleeding stopped many days ago, but mysteriously started up again,” explains Brown. “This is because your uterus is involuting so much that the placental scab is getting pushed off, so there’s a brief few days of bright red bleeding.”

Physical status, after C-section

子宫也是如此sexand exercise. You’re now permitted to drive and lift something other than the baby — but try not to overdo it. The scar probably won’t hurt anymore, but you might still be numb (or even itchy) around the incision.

You should be fully recovered from the surgery and will probably only feel the incision if you bump into something. Walking is great, but go slow on more intense exercise.

Mental health status

If you have any lingering worries about your emotional or mental health, bring them up with your doctor at your six-week checkup. It’s normal to feel exhausted and overwhelmed, but deeper feelings of depression, hopelessness, or anxiety can be treated.


  • Although this is technically when the postpartum period ends, many women don’t feel remotely like themselves for a full year, so be gentle with yourself.
  • If you’re ready to resume exercising, start slowly.
  • Same holds true for sexual activity: Just because you’re cleared doesn’t mean that you feel ready. Listen to your body above all else. Very few women experience painless sex this early after giving birth.
  • 此时的疲惫可能是压倒性的。尽可能多地午睡。

Six months

Physical status, post-vaginal delivery

如果您的头发在分娩后掉下来,should stop now。You should also have full bladder control again, if this was a problem before now.

根据您的工作时间表,牛奶可能正在干燥。Your periodmay come back anytime (or not for a year or more).

Physical status, after C-section

One study found that women who had C-sections were more tired after six months. This, of course, depends on how well your baby is sleeping.

Just as with post-vaginal delivery, your milk may be drying up depending on your work schedule and your period may come back anytime.

Mental health status

If you’re getting into the swing of motherhood — and the baby is sleeping more — your mental state might be more positive around this time.

Again, any lingering feelings associated with PPD should be addressed.


  • Exercise is very important at this stage, for both mental and physical health.
  • You can do abdominal strengthening exercises in earnest, which should help alleviate some back pain.

One year

Physical status, post-vaginal delivery

您可能会感觉到自己,但是您的身体可能仍然感觉略有不同 - 无论是额外的磅还是在不同地方分配的重量。

Depending on whether you’re still breastfeeding, your breasts will appear different than they did pre-pregnancy.

Physical status, after C-section

Your scar will have faded, but it might still be a little numb. If you want another baby soon, most doctors will recommend (or insist on) a C-section if the babies are18 months or less apart。This is due to the risk ofuterine ruptureduring labor and vaginal delivery.

Mental health status

This will probably hinge on how comfortably you’re adapting to motherhood and how much sleep you’re getting. If you can, continue to nap on weekends when the baby naps to catch up on sleep.
