Liquid bowel movements, also known as腹泻,可能会不时发生。当您通过液体而不是formed stool.

Liquid bowel movements are usually caused by a short-term illness, likefood poisoningor a virus. However, they’re sometimes the result of an underlying medical condition.

Because liquid stool can result in excess water losses from the body, it’s important to drink more water when you have diarrhea to prevent severe side effects.


Multiple causes and contributing factors can lead to liquid bowel movements. Examples include:

  • 急性illness, like from exposure to bacteria, viruses, or parasites that irritate the digestive tract
  • 便秘,由于液体凳子可以在直肠中难以通过的较硬的凳子周围逃脱
  • 消化道障碍炎症性肠病(IBD)or腹腔疾病
  • history of damage to the anal sphincter from childbirth
  • 直肠或肛门的手术史,痔疮去除,清除肿瘤或治疗肛门脓肿and瘘管
  • 吸收不良综合征当您的身体无法吸收某些化合物(例如乳制品,碳水化合物或糖)时,就会发生这种情况

Stool is usuallybrown由于存在于其中存在的胆汁和胆红素之类的化合物。但是,如果您有液体排便,则可能会发现液体完全是另一种颜色。一些示例包括:


黄色液体便便可能表明肝脏或胆囊中的潜在障碍。明亮的黄色液体凳子也可能是giardiasis,一个感染个案n caused by an intestinal parasite that you can get from drinking unclean water.

Green liquid poop

腹泻可以出现greendue to green foods you ate or stool moving too quickly through your colon.

Pooping clear liquid

Intestinal inflammation can cause the secretion of mucus in the intestines. This causes clear liquid bowel movements.


黑色液体便便can be cause for concern because it can indicate bleeding from a location somewhere in the higher portion of the digestive tract.


Diarrhea that lasts 2 weeks or less is known as acute diarrhea. Diarrhea that lasts longer than 4 weeks is considered慢性的.

Loose bowel movements can have a lot of unpleasant symptoms, including:

  • cramping and abdominal pain
  • 疲劳
  • 发烧
  • nausea
  • urgency for bowel movements that may result in loose stool
  • 呕吐
  • 头晕
  • weakness

If you see unexplained color changes in your liquid bowel movement, especially red, black, or tarry stool, seek emergency medical treatment. These symptoms could indicate bleeding in the digestive tract. Losing too much blood can be life threatening.

Diarrhea, especially when severe or chronic, may cause other complications in your body. These include:

You should always inform your doctor if you experience severe or consistent diarrhea lasting more than 2 days.


Home remedies

Certain home remedies can ease your symptoms and promote recovery:

  • Avoid dairy products for 48 hours or up to 1 week after diarrhea ends since they can worsen diarrhea symptoms. One exception is probiotic-rich yogurt.
  • Avoid consuming too many raw vegetables or fruits with skin on them since they can be hard for an irritated digestive tract to digest.
  • 喝大量透明液体,例如水,姜汁啤酒或透明汤。有些人可能会吸收冰片或冰棍来增加液体摄入量。口服补液溶液(如Pedialyte)也可能有助于恢复流体和电解质平衡。
  • 全天吃几顿小饭,由胃部容易的食物组成。这些包括香蕉,大米,苹果酱和吐司。这也称为BRAT diet.
  • Avoid foods that are spicy,或油炸,因为它们会刺激您的胃。
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine, which can further dehydrate and irritate the digestive tract.

As you start to feel better, you can add more solid foods to your diet.


抗diarheal药物aren’t always the first line of treatment when you have diarrhea. This is because they can actually back up the bacteria or viruses in your digestive tract, which can extend your illness.

If you have a high fever or blood present in your stool, avoid anti-diarrhea treatments, like bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol) and loperamide (Imodium).

If bacterial infections, such as志硅,导致您的腹泻,医生通常会开处方抗生素。


However, if you have bloody or regular diarrhea that lasts longer than 48 hours, contact a doctor to make sure your symptoms do not get worse.

A doctor may obtain a stool sample to send to a laboratory to test for the presence of certain bacteria, parasites, or viruses. They also may recommend interventions, such as examining the intestinal lining via acolonoscopyor乙状结肠镜检查.


