


Like all vaccines, the pneumococcal vaccine can have side effects. However, the side effects are usually mild and typically resolve in a few days. Depending on the vaccine that’s administered, side effects can vary, but the most common side effects of the pneumococcal vaccine include:

  • redness or pain at the site of the shot
  • mild fever
  • 疲劳
  • headache


Pneumococcal disease is caused by a specific type of bacterium calledStreptococcus pneumoniae。It’s most common in children, but can also cause significant complications in older adults or people with chronic conditions.

The pneumococcal bacterium is contagious, which means that it can be passed from one person to another. This typically happens through direct contact with respiratory secretions like saliva or mucus.


Now let’s take a closer look at the different types of pneumococcal vaccines.

Vaccination against a pneumococcal infection helps prevent you or your child from becoming sick from pneumococcal diseases. It also aids in preventing these diseases from spreading within your community.

Vaccination can’t always prevent all cases of pneumococcal disease. Nevertheless, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , even just 1 dose can help protect against a variety of pneumococcal infections.

There are two vaccines available for pneumococcal disease:

PCV13 (pneumococcal conjugate vaccine)

This vaccine provides protection against 13 strains of pneumococcal bacteria that commonly cause disease in children and adults. It’s given as 4 doses in children and 1 dose in adults.


  • children under 2 years old
  • 在与医生进行讨论之后,65岁及65岁以上的成年人
  • 患有某些健康状况的2至64岁的人,例如糖尿病,艾滋病毒或心脏,肾脏,肝脏或肺部的慢性病

PPSV23 (pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine)


  • 65岁及以上的成年人
  • 患有某些健康状况的2至64岁的人,例如糖尿病,艾滋病毒或心脏,肾脏,肝脏或肺部的慢性病
  • adults between the ages of 19 and 64 who smoke tobacco products

与任何疫苗一样,你可能会经历一些温和side effects after receiving the pneumococcal vaccine.

轻度的副作用vary depending on which vaccine you receive. The side effects will usually go away within a few days.

Possible side effects of the PCV13 vaccine include:

The possible side effects of the PPSV23 vaccine include:

  • redness or discoloration, pain, or swelling at the site of the shot
  • mild fever
  • muscle aches and pains (myalgia)
  • 疲劳
  • headache

Sometimes an adult or child can have a serious allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) to the pneumococcal vaccine, but this is very rare.

Allergic reactions to any vaccine are very rare. The CDC estimates they occur in about 1 in 1 million doses.

Symptoms of a severe allergic reaction typically occur shortly after receiving the vaccine. Severe symptoms can include:


The CDC recommends that babies receive the PCV13 pneumococcal vaccine. This is given in 4 doses.


Common side effects in babies following PCV13 vaccination can include:

  • 挑剔or irritability
  • tenderness, redness or discoloration, or swelling at the site of the shot
  • 食欲下降
  • disrupted sleep
  • 嗜睡或嗜睡
  • mild fever

On very rare occasions, serious side effects can occur, such as high fever,convulsions, or askin rash。Contact your child’s pediatrician right away if you notice any of these symptoms.

What to do if your child is unwell after the vaccine

It’s possible that your child may feel unwell after receiving a dose of the pneumococcal vaccine. Should this happen, there are ways to help ease their symptoms.

If your child has a fever, try to keep them cool. You can do this by providing cool liquids for them to drink and ensuring they’re not wearing too many layers.

可以通过施加柔和性,发红或变色,并在射击场所肿胀。cool compress。为此,请用冷水弄湿干净的毛巾,然后将其轻轻放在受影响的区域。

Symptoms like fever and pain at the site of the shot may be alleviated using over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen (泰诺)或布洛芬(Motrin). Be sure to use the infant formulation and to carefully follow the dosing instructions on the product packaging.

Prior to being approved for use, the safety and effectiveness of all vaccines must be rigorously evaluated inclinical trials。让我们看一下肺炎球菌疫苗有效性的一些研究。

A 2016年研究 evaluated the effectiveness of the PCV13 vaccine in children. It found that:

  • The vaccine effectiveness of PCV13 against the 13 pneumococcal strains included in the vaccine was 86 percent.
  • The vaccine effectiveness against pneumococcal disease due to any strain ofS.pneumoniaewas 60.2 percent.
  • The effectiveness of PCV13 didn’t differ significantly between children with and without underlying health conditions.

A2021研究评论analyzed the findings of studies on the effectiveness of PPSV23 that were published between 2010 and 2020. It found that PPSV23 is effective against the pneumococcal strains included in the vaccine. However, effectiveness may be lower in individuals that are ages 75 or older and people with underlying health conditions.

According to studies, the vaccine effectiveness of PPSV23 against strains included in the vaccine ranges from 60 to 70 percent.

The CDC also notes that more than 80 percent of healthy adults make antibodies to protect against the pneumococcal strains included in PPSV23.


  • all infants and children younger than 2 years old
  • adults over 65 years old
  • 患有长期或慢性健康状况的人,例如糖尿病或严重的心血管疾病
  • individuals with weakened immune systems
  • adults who smoke tobacco products


Some people shouldn’t receive a pneumococcal vaccination.

You shouldn’t get the PCV13 vaccine if you’re:

  • currently feeling ill
  • have had a life threatening allergic reaction to any of the following:
    • a previous dose of PCV13
    • an earlier pneumococcal vaccine called PCV7
    • a vaccine containing the diphtheria toxoid (such asDTAP)
    • any components of the PCV13 vaccine


  • currently feeling ill
  • have had a life threatening allergic reaction to any of the following:
    • 以前的PPSV23剂量
    • PPSV23疫苗的任何成分

If you’re concerned about an allergic reaction, ask your doctor to provide a list of the vaccine’s components.



Side effects of the vaccine are often mild and resolve in a few days. In very rare cases, a severe allergic reaction may occur.

Be sure to talk with your doctor about which pneumococcal vaccine is appropriate for you or your child.