您的piriformis is a small muscle located beneath your glutes that helps to rotate and stabilize your hips. When this muscle gets tight, overused, or irritated, it can put pressure on your sciatic nerve and cause a condition called piriformis syndrome.

按摩或拉伸梨状肌may help reduce tension in this muscle and ease symptoms of piriformis syndrome.


梨状肌综合征是当你的时候piriformis muscle给坐骨神经施加压力。您的坐骨神经是您体内最大的神经。它从脊柱,臀部和腿后部延伸。



  • numbness or tingling in your buttocks and the back of your leg
  • 臀部和腿后部燃烧或射击疼痛
  • pain that gets worse with physical activity
  • pain that gets worse during 长时间坐着

piriformis综合征估计是负责 0.3 to 6 percent 下背部疼痛或坐骨神经痛的病例。在女性和中年成年人中,它往往更为普遍。

It’s thought that overuse, injury, or tightness of your piriformis can cause piriformis syndrome. Having one leg longer than the other 也可能是一个促成因素。

Massaging your piriformis muscle can help ease tension and tightness in this muscle which, in turn, may reduce the pain and discomfort caused by piriformis syndrome.

You can massage your piriformis muscle at home using a foam roller or a ball about the size of a tennis ball. Using a soft ball provides a gentle massage, whereas a harder ball makes the massage more intense.

Ideally, the massage should be slightly uncomfortable but shouldn’t be agonizingly painful. If you feel intense pain, decrease the pressure by shifting your bodyweight or by using a softer object.


If you notice a worsening of your piriformis syndrome symptoms, stop the massage right away.



If it’s your first time massaging your piriformis, it’s a good idea to start off with a foam roller to see how your body reacts.

A smooth泡沫rollerhas a large surface area that provides a relatively gentle massage compared to a ball.

Rollers with textured surfaces generally provide a deeper massage and more pinpointed massage than smooth rollers.

How to do the massage:

  1. 坐在泡沫辊上,使末端指向您的侧面。从脚平放在您面前的地板上,手支撑着您身后的体重。
  2. Cross an ankle over your opposite knee and lean to the side so that the bulk of your weight is on the hip of your crossed leg.
  3. Rock back and forth on the roller until you feel your discomfort subside.
  4. 继续长达60秒,然后在另一侧重复。

2. Tennis ball (or similar ball) massage

一个网球或提供另一个出球es a more pinpointed massage compared to a foam roller. Its smaller size allows you to put more pressure on your piriformis than on the surrounding tissue.


How to do the massage:

  1. Sit on the ground and put the ball under the side of your left hip. Support your weight behind you with your hands.
  2. 将左脚踝交叉在对面的膝盖上。
  3. 在球上滚动,直到发现不适。继续在该区域滚动长达一分钟或直到不适感消失。
  4. 在另一侧重复。

3. Sitting on a ball

Sitting with a ball under your hip provides a gentler massage than rolling because it’s easier to control the amount of pressure.

How to do the massage:

  1. Sit with a tennis ball or other similar-sized ball under your hip. You can perform this massage either on the ground or in a seat.
  2. You can keep your legs straight, or you can bend your leg on the side with the ball under your hip so that the sole of your foot is against your opposite thigh.
  3. 轻轻向下推,直到感到不适。返回开始位置。您可以再次在同一侧重复,直到您在嫩区域感到不适。
  4. 在另一侧重复。



If you feel a sudden worsening of your symptoms, stop immediately.


The pretzel stretch can help you stretch out your piriformis and the other external rotator muscles in your hip.

How to do the stretch:

  1. Lie face up on a mat or other soft surface.
  2. Cross one of your ankles over your opposite thigh.
  3. Pull your knee to your chest until you feel a gentle stretch in your hip.
  4. 保持至少20秒,然后在另一侧重复。



How to do the stretch:

  1. Lie face up on a mat or other soft surface.
  2. Pull one of your knees to your chest while keeping the other straight.
  3. Bend your foot toward your opposite hip and hold for about 20 seconds.
  4. 在另一侧重复。



How to do the stretch:

  1. Sit on a mat with your legs in front of you.
  2. 弯曲你的左腿,让你心有何利的说谎zontally on the ground in front of you. Place your right foot behind your left knee.
  3. 将左肘塞在右膝盖的前面,然后轻轻向下推膝。
  4. 保持至少20秒,然后在另一侧重复。


  • 从长时间的坐着那里经常休息。
  • Alternate using热和冰on the tender area. Use each type of therapy for about 15 to 20 minutes at a time.
  • Take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drugs such asibuprofenor aspirin帮助管理疼痛。
  • If your symptoms don’t get better, consider seeing aphysical therapist. They can help build a customized rehabilitation program for you with targeted stretches and exercises.


Massaging your piriformis muscle at home is generally safe, especially if you start gently and slowly. If you notice a worsening of your symptoms, stop immediately.

If your symptoms don’t get better with time, consider following up with your doctor or a physical therapist.