
In some cases, a pinched nerve in your upper back can be brought on by poor posture or a sports or weightlifting injury. A pinched nerve in your upper back can cause pain, tingling, or numbness at the site of the injury and elsewhere in your upper body.


Sometimes the pain can radiate down the spine or through your torso so you feel it in yourshouldersand chest. You may also feel atingling,或在同一区域中的“销钉和针头”感觉。

Other symptoms of a pinched nerve in your upper back include muscle weakness in your back and shoulders or any muscle that is animated by the affected nerve.

Your back muscles may not cooperate when you try to bend over or lean back. You could feel stiff when trying to move. Even sitting for a long time may be difficult with a pinched nerve in your upper back.

To learn how spinal nerves can become compressed, it helps to understand more about the anatomy of the spinal column.



A common cause of pinched nerves in the back is a herniated disc. This occurs when the soft center of a disc, known as the nucleus, pushes through the harder outer disc layer, called the annulus.

If the nucleus pushes against a nerve in the spinal column, you can have a pinched nerve and some or all of its accompanying symptoms. This is calledradiculopathy


  • 腰部或下背部
  • 颈或颈
  • 胸腔,是腰部和颈部剖面之间的上背部

The main cause of disc herniation is age-related wear and tear. Discs lose some of their fluid through the years and become less flexible and more vulnerable to cracking and herniation.

This disc degeneration can happen in the upper back slowly over time. It can also be accelerated by lifting something heavy over your head.



Your doctor may be able to diagnose a pinched nerve in your upper back by learning about your symptoms, medical history, and by examining your back. If a pinched nerve isn’t obvious, your doctor may recommend an imaging test, such as:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).This painless, noninvasive test uses a powerful magnet and radio waves to create images of the inside your body. Unlike an X-ray, which primarily shows bones and large organs, anMRIcan reveal more detailed images of soft tissue, such as the discs in your spinal column. An MRI can sometimes pick up signs of nerve compression.
  • CT扫描。这无痛non-invasivetest creates detailed pictures of your nerve roots.Ultrasound, which uses sound waves to create images, can also detect nerve compression in the upper back.
  • Nerve conduction study.This checks nerve pulses and how your nerves and muscles respond to them through a small electrical charge delivered throughspecial electrodesplaced on your skin.
  • Electromyography (EMG).In an EMG, your doctor will inject a needle into the muscles activated by the nerves they believe are injured. The way the muscles respond to theelectrical chargedelivered by the needle can indicate if there’s nerve damage in that area.


Rest is the most common treatment for a pinched nerve in the upper back. You should refrain from activities that could strain your upper back, such as lifting heavy objects over your head or any strenuous pushing or pulling.


Along with rest, you may find pain relief by taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen (Advil) and naproxen (Aleve). Corticosteroid injections may also reduce inflammation and pain in the affected areas.



A physical therapist may also help you learn to modify the way you do certain tasks, such as yard work or lifting heavy items, to help ease the burden on your back muscles. Adjusting your standing and sitting posture may also be part of your physical therapy.


If rest and physical therapy don’t help, surgery may help treat a painful pinched nerve in the upper back. This could involve removing part of a herniated disc or a bone spur.

While surgery can be quite effective, it’s usually a last resort. Other more conservative approaches should be tried first.


Remember to talk with your doctor first before engaging in any stretching or exercise routine that could affect your pinched nerve.


This stretch can help your upper back and neck muscles.

  1. 躺在你的肚子上。通过休息肘部来提高上半身。
  2. Tuck your chin down toward your chest.
  3. 慢慢抬起头,使您的眼睛看起来尽可能高,而无需紧绷脖子或背部。
  4. 保持5秒钟,然后将头慢慢降低到起始位置。
  5. Hold in starting position for 5 seconds before repeating your head lift.
  6. Repeat up to 10 times a day.

Scapular retraction

This is a good exercise to help with posture.

  1. 双臂站在您的身边,头部处于中立位置。
  2. 慢慢地将肩膀向后拉,好像试图将肩blade骨挤在一起。
  3. Hold for 10 seconds, then return to your starting position.
  4. 重复5次。每天进行2套5次重复。

Add resistance by stretching a towel or resistance band in front of you while you move and squeeze your shoulders.


However, if upper back nerve pain is a recurring problem, explain your symptoms to your doctor. TheHealthline FindCare toolcan provide options in your area if you don’t already have a doctor.


在大多数情况下,从一个捏nerv全面复苏e occurs with little more than some rest. At the first sign of a pinched nerve in your upper back, find a comfortable position and rest. If you’re able to take an NSAID, do so, but always follow the label’s instructions or the guidance of your doctor.

If pain or numbness continue after rest, see your doctor and try to explain your symptoms in detail, including when they started and what, if anything, brings relief.

Some severely damaged nerves may not regenerate or recover to their previous full strength. If this is the case, physical therapy and other treatments may be able to help you manage any lingering effects of a pinched nerve in your upper back.