Peritonitis is inflammation of the peritoneum, the thin layer of tissue covering the inside of your abdomen and most of its organs.


Types of peritonitis include:

  • spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP)
  • 二次腹膜炎
  • 无菌(或无菌)腹膜炎

SBP is the result of an infection of the fluid in your peritoneal cavity. Secondary peritonitis is usually due to an infection that’s spread from your digestive tract.



Symptoms will vary depending on the underlying cause of your infection. Common symptoms of peritonitis include:

If you’re onperitoneal dialysis,您的透析液可能会出现多云或有白色的斑点或丛。你也可能注意到你的发红或感到痛苦catheter

Kidney要么failure can cause SBP. People on peritoneal dialysis for kidney failure are also at increased risk for SBP.


The first step in treating peritonitis is determining its underlying cause.

治疗通常涉及medication for pain。迅速的静脉注射(IV)抗生素are needed to treat a bacterial infection.



Your treatment must begin promptly to avoid serious and potentially fatal complications.

If you have symptoms of peritonitis, seek medical attention right away. Delaying your treatment could put your life at risk.

A doctor will ask you about your medical history and perform a complete体检。This will include touching or pressing on your abdomen, which will probably cause some discomfort.


  • 血液测试。A blood test, called a完全血统(CBC), can measure your白细胞(WBC)red blood cell (RBC)count. A high WBC count usually signals inflammation or infection. A low RBC count may indicate intra-abdominal bleeding. Ablood culturecan help to identify the bacteria causing the infection or inflammation.
  • 成像测试。Imaging tests, such asCT扫描X-rays, can show any perforations or holes in your peritoneum.
  • 流体分析。If you have a buildup offluid in your abdomen, a doctor can use a needle to remove some and send it to a laboratory for fluid analysis.培养流体can also help them identify bacteria.



The potential complications of SBP include:

  • 肝性脑病,这是肝脏损失的脑功能,当肝脏不再从血液中去除有毒物质时
  • Hepatorenal综合征, which is progressive kidney failure in people with advanced liver disease
  • 败血症, which is a severe reaction that occurs when the bloodstream becomes overwhelmed by infectious agents


  • an intra-abdominal abscess
  • Gangrenous肠道,这是死肠组织
  • 腹膜内粘连,是加入腹部器官的纤维组织带,可以引起肠堵塞
  • septic shock, which is characterized by dangerously low blood pressure

In many cases, you may be able to prevent peritonitis by taking steps to prevent the infections or conditions that can lead to it.


  • 洗手和指甲before touching your catheter
  • clean the skin around the catheter daily
  • 遵循您的医生关于您的医疗用品的护理和存储的说明

If you have severe abdominal pain or an abdominal injury, such as aknife wound,采取以下行动之一:

  • see a doctor
  • 去急诊室
  • call 911 or your local emergency services



If treatment doesn’t begin early, the infection can spread. If other organs are damaged, your recovery will depend on your overall health and how much damage was done.