What are periodontal diseases?


  • gums
  • 牙槽骨
  • 牙周韧带

It can progress from牙龈炎,这是牙周疾病的第一阶段,仅影响牙龈对其他结构。

Periodontal diseases are caused most often by a combination of bacteria and dental plaque. Symptoms may include:

  • 牙龈出血
  • 牙龈肿胀
  • persistent bad breath
  • painful chewing
  • suddenly sensitive teeth
  • 牙齿松动
  • gum recession

Gum disease should be treated as soon as possible because it’s linked to increased risk factors for conditions like:

When treating periodontal disease, there will be three phases of treatment that your dentist will take you through. These include:


应用t in this phase will focus on controlling the infection and restoring the healthy microbiota that should be there. Your dentist will also take a look at what they think is causing the periodontal disease so they can address the root of the problem.

During this phase, you’ll be educated about what you have to do for home care, which will include taking care of your overall health. You will also be required to stop smoking and to maintain excellent oral hygiene.

Procedures called “scaling” and “root planing” will also happen during this stage, where the dentist will clean your teeth deeply and remove plaque and calculus. Medications may also be prescribed.



Surgery could include leveling shallow bone defects or using regenerative surgical techniques for deep bone defects. The goal of these surgeries is to remove the pockets of space between the teeth and the bone that can be broken down or destroyed with periodontal disease. This, in turn, will eliminate the room for bacteria, plaque, and tartar to fester.






The exact treatments that your dentist or surgeon will choose depends on the severity of the periodontal disease.

Nonsurgical treatments

Your dentist will first start with nonsurgical treatments.


深清洁可能会花费between $140 and $300,取决于您的位置和牙医。您的保险可能会或可能不会承保。您可能会遇到一些出血,但是当天晚些时候,您应该能够恢复正常的饮食和饮酒。



  • prescription antimicrobial mouth rinse
  • antiseptic chip, which is a tiny piece of gelatin that contains medication
  • enzyme suppressant, which contains a low dose of doxycycline to keep destructive enzymes from flourishing

Surgical pocket reductions will help clean out tartar in deep pockets and eliminate or reduce those pockets. This will make the area easier to clean and prevent infections from developing in the future. This may be called “flap surgery.”

During this procedure, your dentist will clean the pocket carefully, removing tartar deposits after lifting up the gums to clean underneath them. The gums will then be sutured to fit more tightly around the tooth.

This procedure typically costs between $1000 and $3000 without insurance.

After surgery, you may experience swelling for about 24 to 48 hours. You’ll likely be prescribed antibiotics. Maintain a diet of liquid or soft foods for at least two weeks.

Bone and tissue grafts



Your dentist may use guided tissue regeneration. During this procedure, a mesh-like material is inserted between the bone and gum tissue to prevent the gum from growing where the bone should be and allowing it to regrow properly.

During gum grafting, they’ll use a soft tissue graft. This graft may be either a synthetic material or tissue taken from another area of your mouth. It will be placed to cover exposed tooth roots.




Periodontal therapies and treatments are often exceptionally effective, and as long as you follow the instructions your dentist provides you during the maintenance stage, your risk of recurrence is low. This includes careful oral hygiene and no use of any tobacco products.