

大多数心包炎的原因是不知道的,但病毒感染是负责任的 80%到90% of cases. It typically lasts 不到3周


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Pericarditis is swelling and irritation around the sac of the heart

关于85到90%of people with pericarditis have chest pain as a symptom.

This can feel like a心脏病发作,胸部突然出现尖锐或刺痛的疼痛。疼痛可以在胸部的中间或左侧,后面胸骨。疼痛可能会辐射到肩膀,颈部,臂或下颌。

Other symptoms include:


  • lie flat
  • 深呼吸
  • cough
  • swallow



Viruses are the most常见的原因of pericarditis. The incidence of pericarditis is also 较高一些 in the African American population, according to a 2017 review.

Other infectious causes include:

  • 细菌感染
  • fungal infection
  • parasitic infection

Noninfectious causes include:


It’s important to remember that anyone can get pericarditis.

治疗for pericarditis will depend on its underlying cause. If you have a bacterial infection, a doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

In most cases ,心包炎是温和的,并将自己透明,具有简单的治疗,如抗炎药物和休息。




Doctors may prescribe over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for pain and inflammation. Ibuprofen or high dose aspirin can also provide relief quickly.



Colchicine是一个inflammation-reducing药物有效吗minimizes the duration of symptoms and prevents pericarditis recurrences.



一些较旧的研究 表明皮质类固醇的早期使用可能具有胰腺炎的风险增加。除非在不响应传统治疗的极端情况下,医生通常会建议这些药物。



Drainage of excess fluid may be necessary. This can be performed surgically or by the insertion of a catheter. This is called pericardiocentesis or pericardial window.

Your doctor will ask about your medical history, what your symptoms were when your symptoms began, and what seems to make them worse. They’ll also perform a physical exam.

Inflammation of the pericardium can increase fluid between the two layers of tissue in the sac, resulting in effusion. The doctor will listen with a stethoscope for signs of excess fluid.



  • 胸部X射线, which shows the shape of your heart and possible excess fluid
  • 心电图(ECG或EKG)to check on your heart rhythm
  • 超声心动图to assess the shape and size of your heart and whether there’s fluid collection
  • CT scansMRI扫描,它详细介绍了您的心包
  • 右心导管化,它提供了有关您心中填充压力的信息
  • blood tests to look for markers of inflammation


After assessing symptoms and ordering tests, a doctor will be able to diagnose which form of pericarditis you have.

  • 急性心包炎。这是最常见的条件形式。它可能是自身或作为潜在疾病的症状。
  • 重复(或复发)心包炎。大约 30% of people with acute pericarditis will experience recurrences or relapses of the condition.
  • 慢性心包炎。一旦一个人停止抗炎治疗,就会发生复发。
  • 心包积液。This is a buildup of fluid in the pericardium layers. This can lead to心脏压塞
  • 心脏压塞。A sudden buildup of fluid in the pericardium layers can cause your blood pressure to drop and stop your heart from being able to fill. This requires 紧急治疗。
  • Delayed pericarditis.有些人指的是Dressler syndrome。它经常在心脏手术或心脏病发作后的几周内发展。
  • Constrictive pericarditis.This occurs when the pericardium scars or sticks to the heart so the heart muscle can’t expand. This is rare and can develop in people with chronic pericarditis or after heart surgery.
  • Effusive-constrictive pericarditis.This when both effusion and收缩存在。

There’s no conclusive way to防止心包炎,特别是病毒性心包炎的病例。但是,如果您在治疗计划和使用血清序列之后体验心包炎,并且避免皮质类固醇,可能会降低其重复的风险。


If you see any signs of recurrence, check with your doctor as soon as possible.

Recovery from pericarditis takes time. It may take weeks for symptoms to completely resolve in some cases.


治疗s for these complications are available, including surgery. Research about medical treatment options is ongoing.

If pericarditis becomes chronic, you may need to continue taking NSAIDs or other drugs.

Seek help right away if you have any type of chest pain, as it can be a sign of something more serious.