What is a pelvic exam?

A pelvic exam is a doctor’s visual and physical examination of a woman’s reproductive organs. During the exam, the doctor inspects thevagina,cervix,fallopian tubes,外阴,卵巢, anduterus。Public and private healthcare providers routinely perform pelvic exams at their offices or clinics.

There are no specific guidelines for how often a woman should have a pelvic exam, but it is often recommended to have one once a year. Depending on your medical history, a doctor may suggest that you have them more frequently. Women should have their first pelvic exam at age 21 unless other health issues require it earlier. Often the first pelvic exam is when a young woman goes to seek birth control.

Women over the age of 21 should receive regular pelvic exams, similar to general checkups. However, special reasons for having a pelvic exam include:

Sometimes a doctor performs the exam before prescribing birth control.


Avoid vaginal intercourse, inserting anything into your vagina, and douching, at least 24 hours before your pelvic exam.



First, your doctor will visually inspect your vagina and vulva. Your doctor may be looking for redness, irritation, discharge, cysts, or something that indicates a sexually transmitted disease, such as sores.



Pap smear

The doctor may swipe the cervix, before removing the speculum, with something that looks like a small spatula. The spatula gathers cells for later examination. This procedure is known as aPap smear。通过查看细胞,您的医生可以诊断癌症和性传播疾病等疾病。

Manual exam

Your doctor will also manually inspect your internal reproductive and sexual organs. To do this, your doctor will put on lubricated gloves and insert two fingers into your vagina while using the other hand to feel your abdomen. This manual exam looks for irregularities in the uterus or ovaries.



Your doctor will be able to tell you right away if any abnormalities were found. However, Pap smear results may take a few days. Your doctor may prescribe medications or require a follow-up visit.


Pelvic exams are essential for determining a woman’s sexual and reproductive health. They can also detect life-threatening conditions, such as cancer or infections.

Pelvic exams are routine, but you may have some discomfort during the procedure and spotting afterward.


Research 表明,一些女性在骨盆检查过程中更倾向于感到身体和情感上的不适。这包括青少年,少数民族,残疾人以及受到性侵犯的人。医疗保健提供者将在骨盆检查期间通过仪器插入过程中的润滑并在入门之前对妇女进行有关该过程的教育。如果您在考试期间的任何时候都感到不舒服,请确保告诉您的医疗保健提供者。