



需要六个月的指甲长到它s full length. That means it’s possible to experience nail abnormalities as a result of something that occurred months earlier.


Other traumatic causes of peeling include:

  • 任何压在指甲上的活动
  • overusing the nails as a tool
  • 挑选或剥去指甲油
  • 施加虚假或丙烯酸指甲

If you can’t attribute your peeling nails to an external or internal cause, one way to tell the difference is to compare your toenails and fingernails.



内部原因可能会有所不同,但有时干燥的指甲可能会表明维生素缺乏症,通常是iron deficiency

Peeling nails rarely have internal causes or are a medical emergency. However, if your nails are causing severe pain or bleeding in addition to peeling, you may want to seek urgent medical care.

Most often, at-home treatments can reduce the incidence of peeling nails.


  • baked potato with skin
  • 强化早餐谷物
  • lean meats
  • lentils
  • 菠菜
  • 白豆

你也可以每天服用铁补充。如果你服用multivitamin, read the label carefully. Not all manufacturers include iron as a part of the standard multivitamin.

According to the 饮食补品办公室 ,服用超过25毫克的元素铁可以降低人体吸收锌的能力。为了防止这种不利影响,请避免服用过多的铁补充剂。

除了将铁掺入饮食外,Mayo Clinicrecommends asking your doctor about the possibility of taking biotin to help strengthen nails.


If you regularly perform household chores that involve water, wear protective, cotton-lined rubber gloves.


If you use artificial nails, it’s important to gently remove all nail coatings without scraping or pulling. If you force off the nail coating, it will cause nail damage and peeling that will ultimately scar your nail beds. This can lead to thin, fragile nails.



Peeling nails can be the result of too little or too much moisture.

The former can be caused by repeatedly getting the nails wet and then drying them. With the latter, sheer soaking in water while performing things like household chores makes the nails soft and possibly causes peeling or sloughing of the nail.

You can protect your nails by applying a clear nail polish. One with nylon fibers may be especially helpful in strengthening the nail.

Another way to prevent peeling nails is to avoid using the nails as tools to pick up or open items, which can weaken them. Instead, use the pads of your fingers.