
你也可能泄露一点当你咳嗽,圣rain, or laugh, and it’s getting to be a problem. Did anyone notice? Should you avoid laughing or skip your favorite activities to prevent potential embarrassment? Of course not.

您很有可能要处理stress incontinence, and you’re not alone. A few self-help techniques may help you gain control. If not, your doctor can work with you to find the right treatment.

Continue reading to learn why you pee when you sneeze and what steps you can take to fix it.

你知道压力尿失禁与urgency incontinence膀胱过度活动症?在这种情况下,“压力”是指身体压力,与心理压力无关。


  • 压力尿失禁是 最常见的 type of incontinence and the most common one affecting younger女性.
  • It’s much more common in women than in men.
  • About1分之一女性have stress urinary incontinence at some point.
  • Many women have both stress incontinence and urge incontinence. This is known as mixed incontinence.
  • You’re more likely to develop stress incontinence as you age, but it’s not inevitable, nor does it have to be permanent.
  • 研究shows that behavioral therapy, by itself or with other treatments, is generally more effective than pharmacologic therapies alone.

尿失禁is a loss of bladder control. Stress incontinence is a specific type of urinary incontinence in which you泄漏urine when doing something that puts pressure on your bladder and urethra.



Weakened muscles are a little touchier. A little added pressure, say from a sneeze, can cause them to spontaneously relax. That’s when you feel a little pee escape.


  • 咳嗽
  • laugh
  • bend over
  • lift heavy objects
  • 突然动作
  • 锻炼
  • have sex



  • Childbirth.Muscles can weaken when you give birth, particularly if it’s a vaginal delivery. Use of forceps may be a contributing factor. Stress incontinence can occur right after childbirth or several years later.
  • Hysterectomy.Surgical removal of the uterus and cervix can weaken supporting muscles.
  • Prostate surgery.Surgical removal of the prostate gland can weaken the urethral sphincter and pelvic nerves.
  • 年龄。随着年龄的增长,肌肉会稍微削弱一点。
  • Weight.Having overweight or obesity can put added strain on pelvic muscles.
  • Injury.损害或伤害您的下背部会削弱骨盆肌肉。

Other contributing factors may include:

  • 由于吸烟而经常咳嗽
  • 引起慢性咳嗽的疾病
  • long-term involvement in high-impact activities like jogging or jumping

If stress incontinence is interfering with your quality of life, make an appointment to see your doctor. They’ll first rule out any underlying conditions that may be contributing to the problem, such as a尿路感染.

Also, follow up with your doctor if you experience chronic sneezing or coughing. Ongoing sneezing and coughing can aggravate stress incontinence and make it worse.



  • Limit or avoid caffeine, alcohol, and carbonated drinks.
  • If you frequently strain when moving your bowels, add more fiber to your diet or seek treatment for chronic constipation.
  • If you smoke, try to quit.
  • 与您的医生谈谈减肥。
  • Schedule bathroom breaks to train your bladder, especially if you have mixed incontinence.


压力尿失禁may be able to be resolved without surgery. Nonsurgical treatments that your doctor may suggest include:

  • 常规的pelvic floor exercises (Kegels)增强骨盆底肌肉
  • 生物反馈in conjunction with pelvic exercises to reinforce muscle contractions
  • 阴道子宫,您插入阴道中的设备,以帮助支撑膀胱
  • urethral inserts, which you insert into your urethra to prevent leakage while doing certain activities
  • 雌激素霜,这可能有助于加强绝经后女性阴道和尿道周围的肌肉和组织


If nothing else works, surgery is an option. Surgical procedures for stress incontinence include:

  • 吊索程序,其中使用您的组织,供体组织或合成网格来创建吊索以支撑尿道;可以对男人和女人执行此过程
  • bulking agents that can be injected into tissues of the urethra to help the sphincter’s ability to close
  • colpospension,外科医生使用缝合线帮助支撑膀胱和尿道的程序
  • 具有泵控制的外科手术植入充气括约肌可以充当男性的括约肌

If you frequently pee when you sneeze, laugh, or strain, you may have stress incontinence. It can happen to anyone, but it’s more common in women than men.

压力尿失禁can become a quality-of-life issue, so a visit to the doctor is important. In the meantime, there are some things you can do to help strengthen your pelvic muscles and cut down on accidental peeing.

No more trying to avoid sneezing, laughing, or coughing. There are effective treatments for stress incontinence. Talk with your doctor to learn more about the treatment options that may be right for you.