Pectoral girdle

Your body is comprised of joints, muscles, and structures that connect one bone to the next. A胸腰带, also referred to as the shoulder girdle, connects your upper limbs to the bones along the axis of your body. You have two pectoral girdles in your body.


Your pectoral girdles are responsible for providing structural support to your shoulder region on the left and right side of your body. They also allow for a large range of motion, connecting muscles necessary for shoulder and arm movement.

The pectoral girdles on either side of your body aren’t joined together. This allows for your shoulder and arms to move and function independently.

The pectoral girdle is made up of two major bones: the clavicle and scapula.


The clavicle or collarbone is an S-shaped bone situated at the front of your body in a horizontal position. It supports your shoulder, encourages a full range of motion, and protects your nerves and blood vessels that pass between the trunk of your body and your upper limbs. Your clavicle provides the only direct connection between your pectoral girdle and axial skeleton.

Your clavicle has three parts:

  • 内侧。This portion of the clavicle attaches to the sternum. The sternal end of the clavicle is triangular and forms the sternoclavicular joint.
  • 侧面。This portion of the clavicle attaches to the scapula. This flat piece is often referred to as the acromial end, and forms the acromioclavicular joint.
  • Shaft.This is the body of the clavicle.



Scapula bone

Unlike your clavicle, the scapula bone or shoulder blade is located at the back of your shoulder. It’s triangular and connects yourhumerus用你的锁骨。肩胛骨为肩部和上肢的多个肌肉提供了一个肌肉的附着点。

Your scapula is divided into three borders:

  • medial border (vertebral border), which runs parallel to thethoracic vertebrae
  • lateral border (axillary border)
  • superior border, the thinnest and shortest of the three borders

It also has two angles:

  • lateral angle
  • inferior angle

Injury or fracture to the scapula is uncommon, but can occur from severe chest trauma,sports injuries或汽车碰撞。

Pectoral girdle joints

主要有4种joints in the pectoral girdle:

  • 胸毛刺关节。This joint is the point where your clavicle meets your胸骨。该接头提供上肢与轴向骨架之间的直接附件,并且还允许您的锁骨在三个不同的平面中移动。
  • Scapulothoracic joint.Also known as the scapulocostal joint, this is where the scapula bone meets the肋骨in the back of your chest. This joint relies on surrounding muscle for control.
  • Acromioclavicular joint.This is the point where your clavicle meets theacraomion.of the scapula. Similar to the sternoclavicular joint, the acromioclavicular joint encourages motion in three planes.
  • Glenohumeral joint.Also known as the shoulder joint, this is the ball-and-socket connection between thehumerus和肩胛骨。