
If someone physically moves or stretches a part of your body, such as your leg, this is called passive range of motion. In this situation, a caregiver or physical therapist is there to assist with joint exercises if you find it hard or can’t make any effort.

In other words, if you can’t actively perform range-of-motion exercises, a partner can assist.



“这种类型的运动范围很重要,因为它与我们的日常活动最密切相关(步行上班,抓住食品室的东西,或在体育比赛中竞争),”Austin Martinez是Stresslab教育主任Austin Martinez。

If you’re dealing with the aftermath of an injury to your肩膀, knees, hips, neck, or any other part of your body that’s home to a joint, then you know how easy it is for your range of motion to be affected.

那是因为活动范围or the distance and direction a joint can move is often limited after experiencing trauma to that area.

得到更好的想法impact on a particular joint,a doctor, physical therapist, athletic trainer, or other qualified health professional can measure the amount of movement in a joint or body part to see if there is a limited range of motion. This is typically done during a physical assessment after an injury or as part of a rehabilitation program.



Additionally, you may perform passive range-of-motion exercises as part of a partner-assisted stretching routine. This is commonly done in athletics, exercise classes, and group rehabilitation classes.



According to Martinez, if your goal is to increase the function and range of motion of your joints specifically (generally post-injury), it’s best to work with a trained professional such as a physician or physical therapist.

And if your purpose is to increase the肌肉的灵活性, working with a trained professional who is knowledgeable in this field such as a personal trainer is key as well.



Some of the most common and safest passive range-of-motion exercises are related to stretching the surrounding muscles with the goal to increase muscle flexibility.

One way to do this according to Martinez is with a tool such as a stretching strap. This will help you hold a stretch for a more sustained period of time.

However, having someone assist with the stretch is a more effective way to practice passive range-of-motion exercises.

“With these exercises, a trained professional moves your body into the stretch and holds it for you, with the intent to increase your muscle flexibility,” explained Martinez.


First, the trained professional understands proper limits and knows how far to go. Second, they know how long to hold the stretch for. They’re also trained to know if it’s targeting the proper areas to achieve the most benefits.


肩膀: Doorway chest stretch

If a partner is assisting with this exercise, they will move your arms through the motion.

  1. 将肘部弯曲至90度,然后将前臂连接到直立的位置,抵御走廊或门口开放。
  2. Lunge your torso forward, ultimately opening your chest up and creating a stretch.


This will stretch the levator scapulae, a muscle that is tight in many people and tends to cause discomfort in the neck and shoulder blade.

  1. 坐着,旋转鼻子向腋下旋转。
  2. 用手向下推动头部。

Legs: Piriformis stretch


  1. Lay your leg in front of you in a bent position.
  2. Lean over your hips to stretch the piriformis.


  1. 躺在地板或康复表上。
  2. Instead of using your body weight, have your partner provide resistance by moving your leg through the passive range of motion.

