

You’re not alone in doing that, and your feelings of parental frustration are normal. The good news is that you can change the way you talk to your children, switching from a yelling monologue to a respectful dialogue.

Why do parents yell?

The short answer is because we feel overwhelmed or angry, which makes us raise our voices. But that rarely solves the situation. It may quiet the children and make them obedient for a short while, but it won’t make them correct their behavior or their attitudes.

In short, it teaches them to fear you rather than understand their consequences of their actions.


Author and parent educator Laura Markham, Ph.D.,有一个简单的信息:您作为父母的一份工作,保证您孩子的安全后,是为了管理自己的情绪。


If you’ve ever been yelled at, you know that a loud voice does not make the message clearer. Your children are no different. Shouting will make them tune out and discipline will be harder, since each time you raise your voice lowers their receptivity.

Recent 研究 points out that yelling makes children more aggressive, physically and verbally. Yelling in general, no matter what the context, is an expression of anger. It scares children and makes them feel insecure.



It also makes children more susceptible to bullying since their understanding of healthy boundaries and self-respect are skewed.

备择方案to raising your voice


Here’s how you can practice positive discipline that doesn’t involve yelling.

1. Give yourself a timeout

Catch yourself before getting so angry that you lose control and raise your voice. By stepping away from the conflict zone for a few moments, you give yourself a chance to reassess and breathe deeply, which will help you calm down.


2. Talk about emotions

Anger is a normal feeling one can learn from if managed properly. By acknowledging all emotions, from joy and excitement to sadness, anger, jealousy, and frustration, you’re teaching your children that they are all part of our human repertoire.


3. Address bad behavior calmly, but firmly


Get down to their eye level rather than speaking to them from high up or from far away. At the same time, remember to acknowledge respectful behavior and problem solving among themselves.


According to芭芭拉彩虹色,“孩子们值得的作者”!“使用威胁和惩罚创造了更多的愤怒情绪,怨恨和冲突。从长远来看,他们阻止你的孩子发展内部学科。

Threats and punishment humiliate and shame children, making them feel insecure. On the other hand, consequences that address a particular behavior but come with fair warning (like taking a toy away after explaining that toys are for playing, not for hitting) help children make better choices.




No matter how good your yelling prevention strategy is, sometimes you will raise your voice. That’s OK. Own up to it and apologize, and your children will learn an important lesson: We all make mistakes and we need to apologize.

If your children yell, remind them of boundaries and how shouting is not an acceptable way of communication. They need to know you are ready to listen as long as they show respect.

Model the same by allowing yourself time to cool off your engines before talking to your children when you are upset or overwhelmed.


If so far you have relied on yelling to discipline your children, you are probably seeing the effects of it:

  • Your children might rely on yelling to get their messages across to each other.
  • 他们谈论甚至对你大喊大叫,而不是恭敬地谈论。
  • Your relationship with them is unstable and volatile to the point of not being able to communicate in a healthy way.
  • They may pull away from you and become more influenced by their peers than you.

You can change all that. Start by having a candid talk with your children about the wrongness of yelling and why manifesting your anger that way is not healthy.

Make your home a calm environment where people communicate with respect and acknowledge each other’s feelings without blaming, shaming, or judging. An outspoken commitment keeps the dialogue open and keeps everyone in the family accountable.



If your anger is often spilling onto your children and you have trouble controlling your temper on a regular basis, recognizing that you have a problem is the first step toward learning to manage it.

This will help you feel better about yourself and communicate in a calm and loving way with your children.

根据这一点美国婚姻与家庭治疗协会, some of the signs that point to an anger problems include:

  • getting inappropriately angry over seemingly minor issues
  • 经历与高血压,胃痛或焦虑等血压等压力相关的症状
  • 在愤怒的剧集后感到内疚和悲伤,但经常看到模式重复
  • engaging in conflicts with other people instead of having respectful dialogues

A therapist can help you develop ways to keep calm and prevent outbursts and also help you mend the damaging effects of anger on your relationship with your loved ones.