
在我成为爸爸之前,与妻子的性关系经常在案卷上。但是,一旦我们的儿子到达,亲密关系很快就落在了我们的待办事项清单的底部。我们正在优先考虑圆diaper changes,组装婴儿装备,并在看似无穷无尽的迷人连体衣中拍摄我们孩子的不间断照片。


There was one big question weighing on my mind: Was my wife ready, too? She was so focused on our child, exhausted from mothering, and coming to terms with all the changes with her body.

I never knew when (or if) it was appropriate to say, “Let’s take advantage of the baby’s nap time by working on someus时间。”我不想看上去很急躁或不对她更大的需求表示同情,但是我只是对自己诚实:我确实想开始做爱。

对于几周没有做爱的新父母来说,这是个好消息:这将会发生。但是,在欢迎婴儿进入生活之后重新引入亲密关系将需要时间和耐心。您可能会沿途犯一些错误 - 没关系。



即使您的伴侣受到医生的批准,她也需要情感上的准备就绪。如果妈妈出于某种原因没有感觉到,请不要推动它 - 在婴儿之后的第一次倒计时只会为已经压力很大的情况增加压力。





如果她的母乳喂养,她的乳房可能会肿胀,乳头从未感到如此疼痛。小心轻放。您可能需要完全避免该区域。如果有的话milk leaks out. That’s totally natural. This is a good time to just laugh it off.

When it comes to the vagina, be super careful. It takes time to heal after having a baby and your partner’s vaginal area might still be tender during and after recovery. Additionally, many women suffer frompostpartum dryness,这会使性不舒服或彻头彻尾的痛苦。利用润滑剂.

If things get too uncomfortable or even painful for your partner, you’ll have to suspend your sex session. Go take a cold shower instead. Or get creative with that unused lube.

Yes, you can still have fun in bed, but you probably won’t be able to immediately do everything you used to do. Start off slow and go back to the basics. Think about其他形式的刺激before you have full-on vaginal intercourse.

You may have to experiment with新职位to figure out what is most comfortable and enjoyable for your partner. Now is a good time to have honest and open conversations about what’s good for both of you.


The ball is in her court, and make sure she knows that you’ll wait until she’s ready. Make that extra effort to make her feel as beautiful as she has always been. Go slow. And don’t be afraid to make changes to your pre-baby sex routine. Before you know it, you and your partner will be back in your groove, too.

Based in the D.C. area, Nevin Martell is a food and travel writer, parenting essayist, book author, recipe developer, and photographer, who has been published by The Washington Post, The New York Times, Saveur, Men’s Journal, National Geographic Traveler, Fortune, Travel + Leisure, and many other publications. Find him online atnevinmartell.com,在Instagram上@nevinmartell, and on Twitter@nevinmartell.