



Types of newborn reflexes

Babies are born with a number of reflexes. Soon after birth, they can show reflexes for rooting, sucking, grasping, and stepping, among others.




Your baby will automatically begin sucking if something touches the roof of their mouth. Babies do this instinctively for nourishment. But although your baby naturally knows how to suck, it can take some practice to turn it into a skill.

If you’re having difficulty breastfeeding, don’t be discouraged. Instead, ask for help from a lactation consultant. You can find one through your local hospital.


Your baby will close their fingers around something pressed into their hand, like your finger or a toy. This reflex helps babies develop the skills to intentionally grasp things as they grow.


If you hold your baby upright and let their feet touch a flat surface, they’ll pick up one foot and then the other. It looks as though they’re trying to take steps. This reflex helps babies develop the controlled skill of walking, which they’ll probably start doing around their first birthday.




If your baby’s Moro reflex is keeping them from sleeping properly, try these tips:

  • Keep your baby close to your body when laying them down.在将它们放下时,请尽可能长的时间。只有在孩子触摸床垫后,只有在宝宝的背上轻轻释放。这种支持应该足以防止他们经历跌倒的感觉,这可能会触发惊吓反射。
  • 骗你的宝宝。This will make them feel safe and secure. Swaddling is a technique that mimics the close, cozy quarters of the womb. It can also help your baby sleep longer.

How to swaddle

To swaddle your baby, follow these steps:

  1. Use a large, thin blanket. Lay the blanket out on a flat surface.
  2. 稍微折叠一个角。轻轻地将宝宝朝上放在毯子上,头部在折叠角的边缘。
  3. Bring one corner of the blanket across your baby’s body and tuck it snugly beneath them.
  4. 折叠毯子的底部,为宝宝的脚和腿留出空间。
  5. 将毯子的最后一角带到宝宝的身体上,并将其塞在它们下面。这只会使他们的头和脖子暴露。

Your swaddled baby should only be laid on their back to sleep. Check them regularly to be sure they don’t overheat. If you have questions about swaddling, ask your baby’s doctor.



You can help your baby progress by making time every day for movement. Give your baby space to stretch their arms and legs. This will help them tone and strengthen their muscles. Even newborn babies should have the opportunity to move, including their little heads. Just be careful to provide support to your baby’s head and neck when you’re holding them.


When a baby doesn’t have normal reflexes, it can be sign of potential problems. If the Moro reflex is lacking on one side of your baby’s body, it can be the result of a broken shoulder or a nerve injury. If the reflex is lacking on both sides, it might suggest brain or spinal cord damage.
