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All kids and adults lose water constantly throughout the day. Water evaporates from the skin and leaves the body when you breathe, cry, sweat, and use the toilet.

Most of the time, a toddler gets enough water from eating and drinking to replace the fluids they lose. But in some cases, kids can lose more water than normal. Fevers, stomach flus, being out in hot weather, or too much exercise, for example, may result in too much fluid loss. This can lead to dehydration.

Dehydration isn’t something to take lightly. When it happens, the body doesn’t have enough fluids and water to function properly. In severe cases, this could lead to brain damage or even death.





  • 发烧
  • 呕吐
  • diarrhea
  • excessive sweating
  • poor fluid intake during an illness
  • chronic illnesses like diabetes or a bowel disorder
  • exposure to hot and humid weather


警示标志of dehydration in toddlers

Dehydration can happen very slowly over time, or it can happen suddenly. Toddlers with an illness, especially stomach flu, should be monitored closely for signs of dehydration. The warning signs aren’t always obvious.


  • dry, cracked lips
  • 深色尿液
  • 八个小时很少或没有尿液
  • cold or dry skin
  • 头部下沉的眼睛或沉没的柔软点(适合婴儿)
  • 过度嗜睡
  • 低能水平
  • 哭泣时没有眼泪
  • extreme fussiness
  • 快速呼吸或心率




  • 给您的孩子一个像Pedialyte这样的口服补液溶液。You can purchase Pedialyte online.These solutions contain water and salts in precise proportions and are easy to digest. Plain water won’t usually be enough. If you don’t have an oral rehydration solution available, you can try milk or diluted juice until you are able to get some.
  • 继续慢慢给您的幼儿液体,直到尿液清晰为止。如果您的孩子在呕吐,请一次只给他们少量,直到他们能够将其保留为止。他们可能一次只能忍受一汤匙,但是一切总比没有好。逐渐增加频率和数量。给出太快的速度通常会导致呕吐回来。
  • 如果您仍在母乳喂养,请继续这样做。您还可以在瓶中给宝宝补充溶液。

Preventing dehydration in toddlers

It’s important for parents to learn the warning signs of dehydration. If your toddler is excessively thirsty, it may already be too late. Here are some steps to take to prevent dehydration.


  1. If your toddler gets sick, be proactive about their fluid intake. Start giving them extra water and a rehydration solution at the first sign of an illness.
  2. 蹒跚学步的s who won’t eat or drink due to a sore throat may need to ease the pain with acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil). Shop foracetaminophenor布洛芬at Amazon.
  3. Make sure your toddler is up-to-date on vaccinations, including the rotavirus vaccine. Rotavirus causesone-thirdof all diarrhea-related hospitalizations in kids under 5. Talk to your doctor if you have any concerns or questions about the rotavirus vaccine.
  4. Teach your toddler how to wash their hands before eating or drinking and after using the bathroom to avoid contracting infections.
  5. 鼓励儿童在运动之前,期间和锻炼后喝大量的水。
  6. If you’re outside on a hot summer day, allow your toddler to enjoy a pool, sprinkler, or rest in a cool, shaded environment, and offer them plenty of water.


Bring your child to the doctor if:

  • 您的孩子似乎没有康复或变得越来越脱水
  • there’s blood in your toddler’s stool or vomit
  • 您的孩子拒绝喝或有口服补液溶液
  • your toddler’s vomiting or diarrhea is persistent and severe and they can’t drink enough fluid to keep up with how much they’re losing
  • 腹泻持续了几天


Next steps

Dehydration in your toddler can’t always be prevented, but there are actions you can take right now to help. Learn to recognize the warning signs. Contact your pediatrician if you’re concerned your toddler might be dehydrated.