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Whether you can only sneak away for 1 minute or 1 hour, there are ways to claim that time as a moment for you.

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Kristen Curette & Daemaine Hines/Stocksy United

这些天,您自己的时间可能几乎不存在。还没有fully present对于您的孩子来说,俗话说,您应该先戴上自己的氧气面膜。理想情况下,我们所有人都有时间从事有意义的爱好,或者至少有一个稳定的休息时间不时检查。

But right now, you may have to steal whatever time you can get for yourself — even while you’re taking care of your kids all day (and potentially试图工作,,,,too). Here are some ideas for self-care no matter how tight you are on time.

Light a candle


Practice box breathing

Box breathingis an easy-to-learn technique proven to help people de-stress. Basically, you exhale for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 4 seconds, inhale for 4 seconds, and then hold your breath for 4 seconds, slowing your blood pressure and helping you feel calm.This appcan help guide you and remind you to take a minute to do it each day.

Do whatever you need to do to LOL — watch silly cat videos, look at memes, find a clip from your favorite comedian. According to theMayo Clinic,笑可以缓解压力,甚至增加您的免疫系统。


A daily multivitamin gives your body the nutrients it needs and helps you feel like you’re really taking care of yourself.

If the state of the world — or your household — is taking a toll on your stress level, look into taking amagnesium supplement,,,,which can help with anxiety.

选项自然活力are great, as you can take them as a pill, gummy, or mixed into a drink. (Of course, clear any supplements you want to take with your doctor first.)

Hug someone

Grab your partner or kid and give them a big squeeze. Hugging just feels好的。And we could all use some of that. Plus, it may have some好处


Staying水合has mental and physical benefits. Plus, drinking water helps you from feeling over-caffeinated or mindlessly grabbing a handful of your kid’s Goldfish crackers.

Taking this minute for yourself can give you a necessary pause to be mindful of what you want to put into your body.

Text a loved one



当您有时间实际洗个澡时,请多余的分钟exfoliateyour body, deep condition your hair, or保湿。这些事情可能会给您一些时刻,让您感到焕发青春。


Give your body some fuel and nourishment by mixing fruit, some greens, and protein powder so you’re not starving and hangry when it’s mealtime. Make extra to sip on throughout the day or share with your kids.

Listen to your favorite song

Take a break from Sesame Street tolisten到您实际想听的东西。在清理玩具或做午餐时,请在耳塞中弹出耳塞,并用自己喜欢的果酱泵起来。


阳光是一种天然的改善。当你可以年代teal a few minutes, grab yourself (and your coffee), and sit outside to literally bask in the sun.




Whether you play Candy Crush on your phone or dive into the world of Animal Crossing, gaming can challenge your brain while giving your mind a virtual vacation. Play with friends or family to make the experience social.




No, notthatkind of face mask. Give your skin spa-caliber treatment by putting on a mask that you don’t need to wash off immediately.

That way, you can technically wear one while feeding your kids lunch and then remove it without missing a bite. Check out the bamboo sheet masks by可食用的美for a super hydrating, botanical experience.


检查呼吸并清除头脑,即使在最紧张的日子里也可以帮助您重置。搜索YouTubefor free guided videos or download an app like顶空if you’re ready to commit to the practice.


Feeling your feet on the ground can make you feel more, well, grounded. Walking outside on grass or dirt is even considered therapeutic.


Write in a journal

Getting your thoughts on paper can have a restorative effect on your mental state. Write about what you’re grateful for, what you’re struggling with right now, and your hopes for the future — or whatever comes to mind.


Soak your toes, moisturize, and give yourself an excuse to put your feet up. Indulge in this little beautification moment, and you’ll feel rejuvenated, even if you’re only cutting and提取指甲。(如果您和孩子一起做指甲,请结帐Sophipolishes, which don’t smell or contain any harsh chemicals.)

Make yourself a meal

When you’re strapped for time, it’s easy to just grab a酒吧and call it a lunch. However, if you have a window of free time,make yourself something您实际上想吃东西(或者,如果您真的想挥霍,请从最喜欢的当地餐厅拿起一些您渴望的东西)。吃真正的食物将为您带来精神和身体上的挑战。


Some people feel invigorated by clearing a space. This makes sense, as being around clutter can make you feel more stressed.

Grab an empty box and pick up everything that doesn’t belong in a given room, then go around your home and put all those things in their place. Think of it as a reverse scavenger hunt, and get your family in on the task if organizing isn’t something you like to do solo.

Watch something indulgent

Put on your favorite reality TV series, a documentary you’ve been waiting to dig into, or your favorite sitcom. Whatever it is, choose something that will lighten your mood.

Read a book for fun

Instead of scrolling social media or reading the news when you have some downtime, do something better for your brain (and spirit) by reading a great book. If you’re having a hard time finding something, check out “Untamed” by Glennon Doyle for a powerful journey about selfhood.

Take a power nap

建议您在婴儿睡觉时睡觉,许多父母对此非常不现实知道。((你好,,,,laundry doesn’t do itself.)

尽管如此,quick nap-regardless of whether you still have a baby who does the same — can reset your day and give you some much-needed rest. Even if you just lie in bed for 20–30 minutes, you’ll at least feel some relief.


即使你的“自由”小时侯花打扫se or pushing a stroller during nap time, you can multitask in a soulful way. Try Brené Brown’s解锁我们or Oprah’s超级灵魂对话for insightful, thought-provoking topics and interviews.

Pamper yourself

Really go all out here. Pour a glass of葡萄酒,如果您这样选择。用褶边(沐浴炸弹,沐浴盐,泡泡浴)洗个澡,您可以得到这个想法),并允许自己浸泡所有东西。随后,让您的伴侣通过给您急需的足部按摩来赚取一些布朗尼积分。


Get into your body and out of your head by moving, stretching, and flowing. If you can’t get an hour to yourself, get the family involved and do a class together. (Kids of all ages will love thischi垫that turns yoga into a game.)


Do a socially distanced hang with a pal so you can bond, vent, and feel somewhat normal again. If you can’t meet up with someone IRL, spend some time writing a letter to your closest pal and telling them how much they mean to you.

Bake something delicious


Go for a walk


Natasha Burton is a freelance writer and editor who has written for Cosmopolitan, Women’s Health, Livestrong, Woman’s Day, and many other lifestyle publications. She’s the author ofWhat’s My Type?: 100+ Quizzes to Help You Find Yourself ― and Your Match!,,,,夫妻的101个测验,,,,101 Quizzes for BFFs,,,,101 Quizzes for Brides and Grooms,,,,and the co-author of “The Little Black Book of Big Red Flags。” When she’s not writing, she’s fully immersed in #momlife with her toddler and preschooler.