
Nobody can recognize your baby’s cries better than you, so you may instantly know if your baby is sleepy, hungry, or needs to be cuddled.

Although crying is normal, your baby may sometimes cry excessively despite being well-fed and changed. This can indicate another problem, such as teething orcolic

A colicky baby may cry for several hours on any given day. Though it is not known what causes colic, some feel it is due toabdominal discomfort由瓦斯尼斯引起。

Research suggests up to28%在世界上的最初几个月,全球婴儿经历了绞痛。在不到6周的婴儿中,它更为普遍,随着孩子满10到12周,它变得不那么普遍。

大约年龄4 months, most infants spontaneously outgrow colic.

Still, excessive crying and fussiness can be difficult on the infant-family relationship. Parents may seek out a solution because they worry they’re not properly caring for their child.

The good news is that there are ways to soothe your baby. Some parents believe they have successfully calmed their babies with an herbal remedy called gripe water. But gripe water carries the risk for some side effects and safety concerns.

Here, we’ll discuss what gripe water is and if it’s safe. We’ll also discuss alternatives to gripe water for colicky babies.

Several over-the-counter products are marketed for relieving colic symptoms in babies. Naturally, you may be concerned about some ingredients in these products.

If you are going to try a remedy, you want one that is safe.

Gripe Water是一种以液体形式可用的草药补充剂。它在药房,保健食品商店和杂货店中出售。gripe水被销售给父母,以缓解气体,绞痛和其他婴儿疾病。


  • 茴香
  • ginger
  • chamomile
  • licorice
  • 肉桂
  • lemon balm

A baby is more likely to experience stomach discomfort when unable to pass gas.

Some babies cry for several hours over days or weeks. Since the herbs in gripe water theoretically help with digestion, this remedy is thought to help with colic caused by gassiness. However, most of this research is from adults, not infants.

Some gripe waters also use sugar and flavoring agents to make the supplement more palatable. Some may even contain alcohol.

Gripe water is sometimes also used for teething pain and hiccups.




gripe水的好处在很大程度上尚未得到证实。一项研究发现 64 percent 在印度,在印度的母亲(335名参与研究)中,他们的孩子抱怨水,但是大多数接受补充剂的婴儿继续过度哭泣。

Support for gripe water largely comes from anecdotal reports of parents. Due to a lack of standardization and regulation, many professional medical associations do not recommend parents use gripe water.

To better understand why gripe water may not be a good option for your infant, it helps to understand what’s in gripe water.

There are different types of gripe water. Some traditional formulas include alcohol and sugar. Too much sugar can increase the risk of tooth decay, and it may affect your baby’s feeding habits.

Understand, however, that while some formulas of gripe water include alcohol, sugar, and artificial flavors, these ingredients aren’t included in all formulas. If you’re going to use gripe water, it’s important to only use gripe water that’s designed specifically for babies.


Sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda, shouldn’t be given to colicky babies unless prescribed by a doctor. Sodium bicarbonate can interfere with the natural pH level in your baby’s stomach. This can cause too much alkalinity and worsen colic symptoms.

Watch out for gripe water containing peppermint. It could potentially worsen a baby’s reflux symptoms. You should also avoid gripe water containing gluten, dairy, parabens, and vegetable carbon.

Gripe water is not recommended for babies younger than 1 month. The digestive tract is sensitive and still developing at this age.


Don’t give your baby gripe water without first reading the instructions, and only give your baby the recommended dosage. Confirm this dosage with your baby’s healthcare professional.


Gripe water typically has a pleasant taste, so some babies don’t mind taking a dose. You might be tempted to mix gripe water with your baby’s breast milk or formula. That’s probably safe, but for maximum results, you should give your baby gripe water by itself.

医药用滴管直接进入你的宝宝’s mouth. Slowly press the dropper against the inside of the cheek. Allow them to swallow it a bit at a time before giving them more.

Gripe water is probably safe, but there are safer alternatives. If you do give your infant gripe water, it’s important to keep an open eye for signs of an过敏反应。过敏症状可能会有所不同。

After giving gripe water to your baby, check for:

  • hives
  • 水汪汪的大眼睛
  • 嘴唇或舌头肿胀
  • vomiting
  • itchiness
  • 呼吸的变化

If you suspect an过敏反应, discontinue use and contact your doctor immediately.

在24小时内,不要给建议的剂量超过推荐的剂量。如果您的孩子没有回应Gripe Water,请停止将其交给他们。

You can also use gripe water with other soothing techniques.

尝试a variety of these绞痛疗法during a baby’s colicky hours to find what soothes them best. While they may not work all the time, they’re not costly and have few risks.


Wearing babies under 6 months in a chest-to-chest carrier can often calm them, as can going for a walk outside in a baby carrier or stroller. The change of scenery can be calming for parents and infants. A brief car ride may soothe your baby, too.

A warm bath can have a calming effect. A few minutes in a baby swing can calm a colicky baby, too.

If these things don’t work, consider feeding changes.

If you’re breastfeeding, removing certain foods from your diet might also reduce fussiness in your baby, though studies do not show a definite link.

Foods to eliminate from your diet can include:

  • dairy
  • peanuts and tree nuts
  • soy
  • 小麦

Talk to your healthcare professional before changing your diet.

Make sure your baby is upright during feedings to ease gassiness. If you feed your baby from a bottle, be sure to stop feeding as soon as the bottle is empty, so your baby doesn’t swallow air from their bottle.


Frequent burping may help reduce swallowed air, too. Stop a few times during the feeding and help your child to burp with gentle pats on the back.


Switching to a基于大豆的公式可以缓解胃并减轻症状,尽管这仅在一些小研究中得到了表明。在更改公式之前,请与宝宝的医生交谈。

Excessive crying and fussiness can be distressing for both you and your baby. Fortunately, colic symptoms typically improve by ages3 to 4 months

While gripe water has not been shown to be an effective alternative for soothing colicky babies, it is probably safe. Talk with your baby’s medical professional first, follow dosing instructions, and read the ingredients carefully.

Don’t forget to incorporate other soothing techniques. If you’ve experimented with different home remedies, but your baby’s condition worsens or doesn’t improve, make an appointment with your doctor. Excessive crying may be due to another problem.

