
For a few days, you’re keeled over from cramps, you feel nauseous, you go to the bathroom more often than you want — and your bowels are watery and loose, making for an awful mess.



Diarrhea is most commonly caused by a virus infecting the bowel, and normally lasts for two to three days. But diarrhea may also occur because of:

  • allergies to certain foods
  • 药物
  • foods that upset the digestive system
  • 细菌感染或其他类型的感染
  • radiation therapy

When you’re dealing with diarrhea, you may experience bloating and cramps, loose and watery stools, urgency to go to the bathroom, and possibly nausea. Symptoms that accompany severe diarrhea include:

  • weight loss
  • 脱水
  • fever
  • 严重的疼痛
  • 凳子上未消化的食物
  • 血液
  • mucus


If you’ve chosen to steer clear of over-the-counter medicines to treat your diarrhea while breast-feeding, try these natural treatments.

Become a BRAT for the Next Few Days


  • 香蕉
  • 米(白色)
  • applesauce
  • 吐司



BRAT Diet Variations

Some other versions of the popular bland regimen are BRAT-T, which adds tea, or BRAT-Y, which adds yogurt, rich in probiotics. Other semisolid and low-fiber foods that are good to eat include:

  • soda crackers
  • chicken or turkey without skin
  • 土豆
  • noodles
  • 平滑花生酱
  • 白面包
  • 干酪
  • 牛油果
  • white beans

You should avoid:

  • greasy foods
  • fatty and fried foods
  • 大多数乳制品
  • 生的蔬菜
  • 原始水果
  • strong spices
  • 全麦面包
  • 全麦谷物


某些类型的乳制品适合腹泻和胃部不适。Living bacteria, known as probiotics, found in yogurt and kefir (a fermented milk drink) can replace healthy bacteria normally found in your digestive tract that is lost because of diarrhea.



Chamomile tea is a great way to soothe an upset stomach. The Mediterranean herb is thought to help relieve cramping and inflammation by relaxing the muscles and lining of the intestines. This may make chamomile useful for treating mild to moderate diarrhea, and is a good way to stay hydrated.



Stay Hydrated

Of course, when treating any sickness, make sure you drink lots of liquids, like water, broth, and sport drinks. This will help ease symptoms and prevent dehydration. Try to avoid natural diuretics like alcohol and caffeine, including coffee, chocolate, some sodas, and certain teas.

腹泻尤其如此,因为在整个疾病过程中可能会丢失大量液体和营养,并且可能导致严重的并发症。克利夫兰诊所recommends sipping fluids in small amounts throughout the day. If tolerable, increase the amount of fluids to 2 to 3 liters or quarts daily.

Speaking of water, if you’re experiencing rectal discomfort — like itching, pain, or burning — try sitting in a few inches of warm water in the bathtub, and then dry the area by patting it with a soft, clean towel. If need be, you can also apply some hemorrhoid cream or petroleum jelly to the sore area.
