When shebreastfed她的第一个孩子,丽贝卡·贝恩(Rebecca Bain)特别艰难的一件事是她丈夫缺乏支持。如此艰难,以至于他的消极情绪是她仅在头八周才抚养婴儿的主要原因之一。



我本人很幸运能有一个丈夫在我努力母乳喂养我的两个婴儿时都得到了支持 - 他和我一起去见顾问,他的鼓励是我能够继续喂养的原因之一,直到我准备停止停止,那是五个月。

“如果您与父亲一起工作,那么它可能会对连续率产生真正的影响,这对婴儿来说更好,对母亲更好。”- 警长博士

But stories like Rebecca’s are sadly all too common, according to Dr. Nigel Sherriff of the University of Brighton, who’s been researching the impact of fathers and other partners on helping women to breastfeed.


This 2013 trial showed a significant increase (6.4%)在父亲参加母乳喂养课程的小组中,护理率。





“Breastfeeding is bloody hard and sometimes it’s just simply about being around,” he acknowledges. “3 a.m. nursing can be quite a miserable [and] lonely place — it can be nice just having someone there to talk to.”

“没有她的支持,我可能会放弃[母乳喂养]。”- 克里斯汀·莫雷诺斯(Kristen Morenos)

His advice to partners of breastfeeding mothers is this: Learn about the process before the baby is born, and then get more support in the first few months after the birth. And again later, if the mother wants to continue to do extended breastfeeding.



One woman who relied on her partner is Kristen Morenos, who lives with her wife Stacia in Augusta, Georgia. Stacia stood up for Kristen when her mother was encouraging her to swap to formula.

“Without her support, I would likely have given up,” she said. “No one else seemed to be on my side. My mother kept telling me ‘everyone has to use formula at some point’ and the pediatricians only cared about numbers, not that she was gaining on her own curve and had plenty of soiled and wet diapers.”



The breastfeeding parent relies heavily on their partner or family for support.

She struggled on with the support of Stacia who, she said, was extremely involved in the breastfeeding process. This included hiring a new breastfeeding counselor to come to the house, and staying with her throughout the consultation so she could help later with positioning.

“Stacia’s support was amazing and kept me going.”

根据 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , breastfeeding initiation rates in the United States are actually quite high: In 2013, four out of five 婴儿开始母乳喂养。

However, this figure had dropped to just over half by six months, indicating that many mothers weren’t continuing to feed as recommended and weren’t necessarily getting the support they needed.

Tina Castellanos,La Leche League USACouncil President, tells us that most moms only stay at the hospital for a couple of days after the baby’s born — and in that time, they may not see anyone for lactation support. They’re then unlikely to get any help from healthcare professionals once they’re home unless they paid for it.


出于这个原因,卡斯特罗说:“我们建议那t the partner take a breastfeeding class with the birthing parent and that the partner be present during the early days to help with latch and positioning.”

毫无疑问,母乳喂养 - 如果您选择喂养婴儿的话 - 是早期育儿中最困难的部分之一。雷竞技ray


However, she cautions: “We don’t suggest the nursing parent pump early for the partner to give a bottle, but instead that the partner wakes with the mom at night to help change the diaper, hold [the] baby, etc., while the mum gets set up to nurse.”

Of course, not everyone has a partner to help them through those difficult early months.

苏珊娜·洛克(Suzanne Locke)是一个来自伦敦的单身母亲,儿子过早出生了10周。她说,助产士在新生儿重症监护室(NICU)中非常有帮助,但是一旦她回家,她就独自一人。

幸运的是,她在一个儿童中心发现了一家母乳喂养咖啡馆,靠近她住在那儿,那里学到了“悠闲”母乳喂养的地方。她告诉Healthline:“这使我的小家伙的回流有助于我的回流 - 并伸出了我的手。”雷竞技app官网

“ [能够躺下和喂养而无需用我的手臂抱着我的孩子]作为一个独奏妈妈,没有伴侣来帮助。喂食时我可以吃或喝一杯茶 - 当我的宝宝聚类喂食时非常重要,有时几乎每小时!”

毫无疑问,母乳喂养 - 如果您选择喂养婴儿的话 - 是早期育儿中最困难的部分之一。雷竞技ray


As Dr. Sherriff explains it: A little bit of “homework” before the birth for both the mother and her partner can make a real difference. As can knowing what to expect when you have your second or subsequent baby.



克拉拉·威金斯(Clara Wiggins)是英国自由作家和训练有素的产前老师。她撰写了从科学到皇室的任何内容,并由英国广播公司,华盛顿邮报,独立,WSJ,Euronews和其他媒体出版。她曾在世界各地生活,工作和旅行,但目前与丈夫,两个女儿和他们的微型Schnauzer Cooper定居在英格兰西部。