
The underlying reasons vary, but range from the involuntary contraction of vaginal muscles during penetration, to vaginal dryness caused by a drop in estrogen during menopause.


It’s understandable if you feel uncomfortable addressing this topic with your doctor. Rather than live with pain, here are a few tips for discussing this sensitive topic (and others) with your doctor.




A gynecologist is an excellent choice to discuss the topic with, but feel free to consult your general practitioner if you have a better relationship with them. If you’re embarrassed about painful sex, it might help to discuss the issue with the doctor you’re most comfortable around.

Some general practitioners have considerable training in women’s health, so they can make recommendations and prescribe medication to make sex less painful.

After you schedule your appointment, you can usually find an online messaging portal to provide more information about why you’re scheduling an appointment. For instance, you can message the nurse or doctor to let them know about your painful sex symptoms.


If an online messaging portal isn’t available, rehearse what you want to say before your appointment. This can help ease nervousness. You’ll get the most out of your appointment if you’re able to explain yourself clearly and thoroughly to your doctor.

It’s OK to be nervous about opening up to your doctor, especially with a sensitive issue like painful sex. It’s also OK to admit that you’re nervous and uncomfortable with the topic.


Letting your doctor know this is a sensitive topic will help them guide you to open up. The more comfortable you feel with your doctor, the better conversation you’ll have. Being at ease also makes it easier to explain issues with your sexual health.

Getting to the bottom of what’s causing painful sex requires some personal information. Be prepared to answer questions at your appointment that relate to your sex life and other personal issues.

You need to be open and honest with your doctor so they can give you the correct treatment.


Your doctor may even ask your feelings about sex. Do you like it? Does it make you scared or nervous? These questions can determine whether painful sex is due to a condition like vaginismus, which is the involuntary contraction of vaginal muscles often caused by fear of intimacy.



If you’re uncomfortable talking about painful sex, you might put off discussing. However, bringing up the topic early in the appointment will give your doctor more time to ask you questions about your symptoms.

Bring up the topic early to ensure your doctor has time to evaluate your issue and offer the right treatment.

Starting the conversation with your doctor about painful sex can be more comfortable when you have support. If you’ve discussed this problem with your partner, sibling, or a close friend, ask this person to accompany you to your appointment.


Pain, burning, or throbbing with penetration can become so intense that you avoid intimacy. If painful sex doesn’t improve with over-the-counter (OTC) lubrication or at-home remedies, talk with your doctor. Sexual problems can be hard to talk about, but you’ll need to identify the underlying cause so it can be treated.