
无论是arthritis让你失望,囊炎整天痉挛你的风格,或坐在办公桌前的效果 - 髋关节痛苦并不好玩。这些动作可以帮助伸展并加强臀部肌肉,让您可以移动无痛。

Depending on your mobility, you may be unable to do some of these stretches and exercises at the beginning. That’s ok! Focus on what you can do and go from there.

Run through as many of these stretches as you can at one time, devoting at least 30 seconds — ideally 1 to 2 minutes — on each (per side, if applicable) before moving on to the next.

Hip flexor stretch

Get into a lunge on the ground. To do this, put your left knee on the floor, your right leg bent out in front of you at a 90-degree angle, and your right foot flat on the ground.

With your hands on your hips, move your pelvis and torso forward slightly until you feel a stretch in your left hip flexor. Pause where you feel tension and hold, going further into the stretch as you become looser.

Butterfly stretch

Sit on the ground, bend your legs, and bring the soles of your feet together so they touch, letting your knees fall out to the sides.

把你的高跟鞋尽可能接近你的身体and lean forward into the stretch, using your elbows to gently push your knees toward the ground.


Start on all fours, then bring your right knee forward, placing it behind your right wrist with your ankle near your left hip.


If your hip is tight, allow your outer right glute to touch the floor rather than rest on your left hip. As you breathe, sink deeper into the stretch.



Yoga squat

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, then bend your knees and drop your butt directly down to the ground. Bring your arms in front of you in a prayer position. Breathe through the movement, allowing your elbows to gently press your thighs further apart.

Leg swings

via Gfycat


To perform, brace yourself on a stable surface, step back about a foot, and begin to swing your leg like a pendulum from side to side. Try to minimize twisting your torso.

Then, turn your side to the wall, brace yourself, and begin to swing your leg back and forth, allowing a stretch in your hip flexors, hamstrings, and glutes.

Choose 3 or 4 of these exercises for one workout, completing 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps each. Mix and match from session to session, if possible.



Drop as low as you can go while keeping your left leg straight. Ensure that your chest stays up and your weight is on your right heel.

Return to start, then repeat the same steps on the other leg. This is one rep.





Fire hydrant

Start on all fours with your hands directly below your shoulders and knees directly below your hips.

Keeping your left leg bent, raise it directly out to the side until your thigh is parallel to the floor — like a dog at a fire hydrant.

Ensure your neck and back are straight and your core stays engaged throughout this move. Slowly lower back down. Repeat on other side.


Grab an exercise band and get to steppin’! Place it around your ankles or just above your knees, bend your knees slightly, and side shuffle, feeling your hips working with each step.

Make sure to keep your feet pointing straight ahead while side stepping. After 10 to 12 steps in one direction, stop and go the other way.



Lay on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor as you would with a regular glute bridge. Extend your right leg before you push yourself off the ground, using your core and glutes to do so.




Push your foot up toward the ceiling as high as you can without tilting your pelvis for maximum impact.





Simple stretches and strength exercises targeted at the hips may help minimize pain and get you back on your feet in just a few weeks.

If your pain persists or worsens, see your doctor or other healthcare provider. They can assess your symptoms and advise you on next steps.

妮可戴维斯是一个基于波士顿的作家,ACE认证的私人教练,以及用于帮助女性更强,更健康,更快乐的生活的健康爱好者。她的哲学是拥抱你的曲线并创造你的健康 - 无论如何!她于2016年6月在2016年6月的“健身”的“未来”中出现了她。跟着她Instagram