Whether you’re recovering from an injury or stroke or dealing with the pain of fibromyalgia or another condition, you may benefit from a physical therapy procedure called electrical stimulation, or e-stim.


E-stim may not be appropriate for everyone, but for many people this painless procedure is accelerating recovery and providing relief from painful or uncomfortable symptoms.

E-stim uses electrical pulses to mimic the action of signals coming from neurons (cells in your nervous system). These mild electrical currents target either muscles or nerves.


Those muscles also improve their strength through repeated cycles of contraction and relaxation. E-stim can also “train” muscles to respond to the body’s natural signals to contract. This is an especially helpful benefit for中风幸存者谁必须重新学习基本运动功能。


The two main types of e-stim are transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and electrical muscle stimulation (EMS).


TENSmay be used for chronic (long-term) pain as well as for acute (short-term) pain. Electrodes are placed on the skin near the source of the pain. Signals are sent through nerve fibers to block or at least reduce the pain signals traveling to the brain.


EMS uses a slightly stronger current than TENS to get muscles to contract. The unit’s electrodes (also placed on the skin near the affected muscles) cause rhythmic contractions. This can improve muscle strength if the user attempts to contract the muscle simultaneously.

Other e-stim types

In addition to EMS and TENS, your doctor or physical therapist may recommend other e-stim treatments.



  • Electrical stimulation for tissue repair (ESTR)helps reduce swelling, increase circulation, and speed up wound healing.
  • Interferential current (IFC)stimulates nerves to reduce pain.
  • 神经肌肉电刺激(NME)stimulates the nerves in muscles to restore function and strength, prevent muscle atrophy, and reduce muscle spasms.
  • Functional electrical stimulation (FES)involves a unit implanted in the body to provide long-term muscle stimulation aimed at preserving function and motor skills.
  • 脊髓刺激(SCS)uses an implantable device to relieve pain.
  • Iontophoresishelps deliver离子充电的药物组织以帮助加快愈合。

You may have seen TV and online advertisements for home e-stim systems. If you’re interested in one of these products, talk with your doctor or a physical therapist. Be sure to get proper instruction on its use before trying it out.


E-stim uses small electrodes placed on the skin. The electrodes are small, sticky pads that should come off with little discomfort at the end of the session.

Several electrodes are placed around the area receiving treatment. Wires from the e-stim device are attached to the pads.

Steady streams of electrical pulses are delivered through the wires from the e-stim unit. The unit may be small enough to fit in your hand or larger, like a landline phone and answering machine.

For muscular stimulation, the pulses will reach the muscles, signaling them to contract.


  • 将电极放置在现场接受疗法周围。
  • The electrical current will begin on a low setting and increased gradually.
  • 您会在网站上获得一种刺耳的“销钉和针头”感觉。
  • 根据E-stim的类型,您可能会反复感到肌肉抽搐或收缩。
  • Each e-stim therapy session may last 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the condition being treated.

When e-stim is part of an overall physical therapy program, your insurance may cover it like other physical therapy treatments.

Check with your insurance provider first, however. The nature of your condition will often determine coverage. For example, an insurance provider may cover e-stim for scoliosis in serious cases, but not if the curvature isless than 20 degrees.

Home TENS or EMS systems can start at $20 for simple, starter units. Higher-end systems that are more durable and offer more features can cost several hundred dollars.

E-stim may be appropriate for the following conditions:

  • back pain
  • cancer-related pain
  • 吞咽困难(麻烦吞咽)
  • fibromyalgia
  • 关节痛
  • arthritis
  • muscle conditioning (mostly for athletes, such as long-distance runners)
  • 创伤或疾病肌肉损伤
  • nerve inflammation
  • 肌肉力量不佳
  • urinary incontinence
  • 脊髓损伤
  • 中风
  • 手术恢复

Researchers are also working on ways to use e-stim to help people with advancedmultiple sclerosis再次走路。

The most common risk of e-stim is skin irritation where the electrodes are placed.

However, there’s a much more serious risk to heart health. For people with a pacemaker or other implantable heart device, e-stim may be dangerous and isn’t recommended.

E-stim is also not recommended for those who are pregnant. But in some supervised circumstances, e-stim has been used to help relieve labor pains.

根据导致神经和肌肉骨骼疼痛的一系列疾病,靶向缓解疼痛的神经可以有效治疗,疼痛以及对传统治疗的疼痛无反应。 2019年研究 .

However, the researchers note e-stim isn’t always a first-line treatment. Rather, it’s part of a broader set of options available to physical therapists.


In a small 2019 study , researchers found that 36 NMES sessions over a 16-week period improved muscle function in people with rheumatoid arthritis.

E-stim is still considered an alternative therapy. There are some health experts who are skeptical of its long-term effectiveness.

There’s also some disagreement about which conditions are best suited for e-stim treatment.

Generally speaking, e-stim is most effective at working weakened or atrophied muscles and healing muscles after an injury or surgery.

As a pain reliever, e-stim (especially TENS therapy) can be effective in treating many conditions, though typically as part of a broader pain-management program.

While e-stim can be an effective tool in physical therapy and rehabilitation, it’s just one of many strategies employed by physical therapists, sports medicine physicians, and orthopedists.

Other forms of therapy include:

  • 使用重量,阻力带,机器和人自己的体重进行肌肉加强运动
  • massage
  • range-of-motion exercises
  • 伸展运动和灵活性练习
  • 冰和热处理


When used as part of injury or surgery recovery, e-stim should be used as a prescribed, supervised treatment, though home use may be appropriate in many cases.


分享你的医学嗨story and a list of medications and supplements you take is always a smart and safe approach, too.
