Experiencingchest pain可以令人震惊。但是如果你吞下胸部的胸部疼痛是什么意思?

Several conditions can cause chest pain while swallowing. Other symptoms are often present, such as heartburn, difficulty swallowing, or nausea. Read on to learn about the possible causes of this pain and how they’re diagnosed and treated.


GERDis when the contents of yourstomachmove back up into youresophagus。这可能会导致痛苦,烧灼感edheartburnin the middle of your chest. Pain may happen when you swallow or shortly after eating.

Other symptoms of GERD can include:

GERD can happen when the ring-like muscle that connects your esophagus to your stomach (the sphincter) becomes weakened. This allows stomach acid or food to flow from your stomach into your esophagus. A食管裂孔疝can also cause GERD.

Some of the potential risk factors for GERD include:


Esophagitis can cause chest pain as well as painful swallowing. Additional symptoms can include:

There are many possible causes of esophagitis, including:


一种食管裂孔疝can sometimes cause food or stomach acid to back up into your esophagus. This can cause heartburn in your chest, often after swallowing or eating.

Other symptoms of a hiatal hernia can include:

一种食管裂孔疝can have several causes, including age-related changes and injury. It can also occur from persistent pressure applied to the area due to coughing, vomiting, or straining during a bowel movement.

You can also be born with a larger hiatus.

一个esophageal stricture is an abnormal narrowing of the esophagus. Due to the esophagus being narrower than it should be, a stricture can cause chest pain when you swallow.

Other symptoms may include:

  • 吞咽困难那particularly solid foods
  • 反流
  • 感觉就像有些东西卡在你的喉咙里
  • unexplained weight loss

Benign那or noncancerous, causes of esophageal stricture can include:

Causes of esophageal stricture can also be malignant (cancerous的)。In this case, the presence of a tumor may block or pinch the esophagus.

Normally, your esophagus contracts to propel the food you’ve eaten downward into your stomach. An esophageal motility disorder happens when these contractions are irregular or absent.

Because the contractions aren’t coordinated, PEMDs can cause chest pain when you swallow. In some cases, this pain may even be mistaken for heart pain (心绞痛的)。Other symptoms can include:

  • 吞咽困难
  • 反流
  • 感觉就像有些东西卡在你的喉咙里

There are several different types of PEMDs, such as:


一个esophageal tear或者穿孔,在食管中有一个洞。它可能是危及生命。

The main symptom is pain where the hole is located, which is typically localized to the chest or neck. You’ll also have pain and difficulty swallowing. Other symptoms include:

Several things can cause an esophageal tear to happen, including:

  • 周围或涉及喉咙或胸部的医疗程序
  • injury or trauma to the throat or chest
  • forceful vomiting
  • severe damage from GERD
  • ingesting a异物or a corrosive chemical
  • having a tumor in or around the esophagus

到diagnose why you’re having this pain, your doctor will first take your medical history and perform a physical examination. Since chest pain can indicate conditions like aheart attack,他们也想要执行测试to rule out a heart condition.

Once a heart condition is ruled out, your doctor may perform one or more of the following tests to help make a diagnosis:

  • 内窥镜检查。在此程序中,您的医生使用小柔性管(内窥镜)使用相机,以查看您的食道和胃。
  • X-ray.X-rays可以帮助您的医生可视化胸部和喉咙的区域,检查损坏或结构异常。一种方法,barium swallow那uses a barium solution to coat your digestive tract. This makes it easier to see any abnormalities on X-rays.
  • Biopsy.In some cases, your doctor may wish to take asample of tissueto examine in the lab. This can be done during an endoscopy.
  • Esophageal manometry.This test uses a small tube to测量压力of your esophageal muscle contractions as you swallow. It can test various areas of the esophagus.
  • 食管pH监测。This test measures thepH in your esophagus在24 - 48小时内。它可以帮助你的医生determine if stomach acid is flowing into your esophagus. The monitor can be placed into your esophagus on a small thin tube or by attaching a wireless device in the esophagus during endoscopy.



Depending on your diagnosis, your doctor may prescribe medication. Some options include:


Some examples of procedures that may help treat chest pain when swallowing include:

  • Dilation.在该方法中,用于食管狭窄,带有小气球的管被引导到您的食道中。然后将气球扩展以帮助打开食道。
  • 肉毒杆菌毒素注射。注射botulinum toxin进入食道可以通过抑制神经冲动来帮助放松食管的肌肉。
  • 支架放置。In severe cases of esophageal stricture, temporary expandable tubes called stents may be placed to help keep the esophagus open.


Surgery is typically only an option when treatments like medications and lifestyle adjustments don’t work to ease symptoms. Some examples of surgical procedures include:

  • Fundoplication.With this laparoscopic surgery, your doctor缝制胃的顶部around your esophagus. This tightens the sphincter, preventing stomach acid from flowing upward.
  • 其他手术的GERD。你的医生也可以tighten the sphincterleading from the esophagus to the stomach in other ways. Some options include creating heat lesions and using magnetic beads.
  • Hernia repair.surgically repaira hiatal hernia, your doctor will pull your stomach back down into your abdomen. They can then make your hiatus smaller.
  • Myotomy.This involves making a cut in the muscles lining your lower esophagus, which can weaken muscle contractions. A minimally invasive version of this procedure is also available.
  • Perforation repair.People with tears in their esophagus often need to have the hole surgically closed.


  • over-the-counter medicationsto relieve GERD symptoms.
  • Identifyfoods that trigger your symptoms and exclude them from your diet.
  • Limit the amount ofcaffeineand酒精you consume.
  • 改变你的饮食习惯。更频繁地吃较小的饭菜,避免在睡觉前至少2小时进食。
  • Make sure to not slouch or lie down right after eating.
  • Elevate your head about 6 inches if heartburn bothers you at night.
  • 穿宽松的衣服,将腹部压低较低。
  • 减肥如有必要。
  • Quit smoking。这些应用可能有帮助。
  • Consult with your doctor about using herbal remedies to ease heartburn, which can includelicoricechamomile那andslippery elm

Not all cases of chest pain while swallowing can be prevented. However, in some cases, you can take steps to lower your risk. Some of these steps include:

  • 维护A.moderate weight
  • 戒烟
  • 避免食物或饮料更倾向于造成胃灼伤
  • eating smaller portions at mealtimes and not eating late at night
  • 用全杯水服用任何药物
  • avoiding activities that can place pressure on your abdomen, such as heavy lifting or straining while having a bowel movement

一种variety of conditions can cause chest pain when you swallow, such as GERD, esophagitis, or a hiatal hernia.

The treatment you’ll receive for this type of pain depends on the cause. Treatments often focus on lifestyle changes and medications. Surgery is typically only recommended when more conservative treatment methods don’t relieve symptoms.

It’s important to remember that chest pain can sometimes be a sign of a medical emergency, such as a heart attack. Be sure to seek emergency care for any new or unexplained chest pain.