练习瑜伽可以有很多好处,包括平衡,灵活性和平静的思想。尤其是一种称为穆拉·班达(Mula Bandha)的练习甚至可以帮助增强骨盆底并改善膀胱控制。

梵语术语意思是“根锁”,穆拉·班达(Mula Bandha)是将根脉轮和进口绘制的瑜伽练习。据说根脉轮位于躯干的底部或阴部,这是您的肛门之间的区域和生殖器。

Your pelvic floor muscles support your bladder, bowels, and womb. Weakening of these muscles due to age or childbirth can lead to urinary incontinence.

Physically, mula bandha resembles a Kegel exercise. Kegels involve contracting the muscles at the center of the perineum and “lifting” the pelvic floor. One way to get the feel for this exercise is to practice stopping your urine mid-flow.

按照以下步骤尝试Mula Bandha并保持坚固,健康的骨盆底。


2. As you inhale, begin to contract and lift the muscles of your pelvic floor.





骨盆底肌肉训练,包括凯格尔练习,可以 help improve urinary incontinence. Since mula bandha closely resembles a Kegel, it may also help with bladder leakage. And since mula bandha is also a mindfulness practice, you may feel more calm as a result.

尽管它可能觉得添加另一个我tem to your daily to-do list, this practice takes very little time. Try not to focus on how long it takes you to do this exercise. It’s more important that you practice mula bandha on a regular basis.

因此,坐着舒适的座位,连接到您的呼吸,并享受穆拉·班达(Mula Bandha)古老的瑜伽练习。

考特尼·沙利文(Courtney Sullivan)是一位专业的瑜伽教练,在自己的领域拥有丰富的经验。除了获得Kripalu瑜伽和健康中心的200小时认证外,考特尼还获得了瑜伽tr舞蹈认证,并还在儿童瑜伽,特殊人群的瑜伽,Yin Yin瑜伽,恢复性瑜伽等上继续接受教育。她曾与克里帕鲁中心(Kripalu Center)的主要教师一起培训新的瑜伽老师,并拥有马萨诸塞州的瓦库塞特山学院的补充医疗保健学位。考特尼(Courtney)目前在北卡罗来纳州拥有并经营着瑜伽风格的学前班计划,并继续以多种形式实践和学习瑜伽。