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Osteoarthritis (OA)是一种退化性关节疾病,比影响您体内的任何关节(包括手)。手关节炎很常见:

  • 手腕
  • 连接您的拇指和腕部的基底关节
  • fingertips (DIP joint)
  • middle knuckles of the fingers (PIP joint)



The symptoms of hand arthritis differ from person to person. A lot depends on the specific joints affected or the common activities that the person does.

Most people will experience:

  • an ache when they use their hands
  • joint stiffness, which may be more pronounced in the morning
  • 难以移动手指
  • a weak grip
  • 肿胀and tenderness in the knuckles or around the wrist


For some people,骨刺是高级OA的标志。


In hand arthritis, the enlarged capsule and bone growths are called赫伯登的节点when they occur on the joints near the fingertips. They consist of round, hard, swollen areas that develop around the joint.


People who have arthritis in the joints in the middle of the fingers can also develop swellings called Bouchard’s nodes.

The exact cause of hand arthritis is unknown. The condition usually develops due to wear and tear of the joint, which occurs gradually over time.

There’s also a genetic component to hand OA. Family members may develop OA at a younger age than the general population, and may have more severe disease.

A healthy joint has cartilage at the end of the bone that cushions and allows smooth movement. In OA, cartilage deteriorates, exposing the underlying bone, which triggers joint pain and stiffness.


  • 有一个家庭成员,他的手也有退化性关节疼痛
  • are older
  • 拥有一项需要大量手工工作(例如制造)的工作
  • 有手伤

The more you use your hands, the more wear and tear you place on the joints and the cartilage that supports them.


People born with malformed joints or defective cartilage are also more likely to develop this condition.

Diagnosing hand arthritis involves an evaluation and tests. Your doctor will check the joints in your hand for signs of OA.


  • 手动关节压痛
  • 肿胀
  • deformity
  • 有限的运动范围

In some cases, your doctor will also order an X-ray to look for cartilage loss and other signs of damage. This can indicate arthritis of the hand and that they should look for potential bone spurs and erosions.


手OA的症状可能类似于其他关节conditions. Your doctor may also order blood tests, especially to exclude other types of arthritis like类风湿关节炎.

一些医生甚至完成了joint fluid analysisto check for signs of inflammation in the wrist joints. These tests can help your doctor determine if your hand arthritis may be related to crystal deposition diseases, likegoutorpseudogout.


止痛药can provide some relief during flare ups.

对于许多非处方(OTC)非甾体类抗炎药(NSAIDS)such as ibuprofen and naproxen are effective. Those with severe OA may need a stronger prescription.

NSAIDs are also available in topical form. The FDA has approved双氯芬酸(伏尔氏)凝胶作为骨关节炎的治疗方法。

Your doctor may also prescribe injections if oral drugs aren’t doing the trick. An injection of anti-inflammatory medicines, usually a steroid, and anesthetics can calm the inflamed joints quickly and last for several months.




Dosimple exercisesseveral times each day to help maintain flexibility in your hands:

  • Knuckle bends:弯曲中间指关节,好像用手做爪子一样。然后再次拉直手指。
  • 拳头:用手指形成拳头,然后伸出手指。缓慢工作以避免疼痛。
  • 手指触摸:Touch your thumb to each fingertip in turn. If stretching your thumb hurts, don’t force it.
  • 墙壁行走:将手指沿着墙壁行走,然后向下走。



  • 热和冷compresses for pain and swelling
  • splints on your wrist, thumb, or fingers for support
  • arthritis-friendly tools that have padding to ease grip
  • soaking hands in warm water
  • gently squeezing a sponge or rubber ball


There are also ring splints that can be made to support individual joints and are made to look like jewelry.



关节炎基础recommends an all-around healthy diet. This includes an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats, as well as minimizing your sugar intake.

Foods to look for include:

  • 红色或紫色葡萄
  • red onion
  • red apples
  • berries
  • broccoli
  • leafy greens
  • 樱桃
  • 李子
  • citrus fruits

Eating produce high in flavonoids may help, too. Fruits and vegetables that are dark colored contain substances that can control inflammation throughout the body.



Surgical treatment for hand arthritis includes fusing the bones on the sides of the arthritic joint together, or reconstructing the joints.

Fusion limits the movement of the joint, but reduces pain and stiffness. Reconstruction uses soft tissue from other places in your body or other inert materials to replace the cartilage that has worn down.

OA of the hand is a progressive disease. This means it starts off slowly and gets worse as the years pass. There’s no cure, but treatment can help manage the condition.



Some steps you can take are:

Managing your diabetes

If you have糖尿病, managing your blood sugar reduces your risk. A high glucose level affects how cartilage responds to stress.

Diabetes can also trigger inflammation which can cause cartilage loss.


Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 times a week.

Additionally, take extra precautions when exercising or playing sports to avoid joint injury in your hands. Fractures, dislocations, and ligament tears increase the risk of osteoarthritis.


The good news is that hand OA is a treatable and manageable condition. Treatment for OA involves pain medication, exercises, and more.

Preventive measures don’t rule out the possibility of developing hand arthritis, but they can help lower your risk.
