Are you experiencing pain or stiffness in your fingers? It could be a sign ofosteoarthritis (OA), a degenerative joint disease that can affect the joints in your hands and elsewhere.

他们手中的OA的人经常在被称为Heberden的节点的手指上开发颠簸。这些颠簸通常是最明显的迹象之一OA in the hands

Heberden’s nodes are bumps that affect the part of the finger that’snearest the tip。另一种类型的Bump,Bouchard的节点影响了最接近手的关节。

Heberden’s nodes are described as “bony swellings” that form on your hands as a result of osteoarthritis.

They’re named after physician William Heberden Sr., a doctor in the 1700s. He came up with the description of these swellings.

这些公司增生发生在附近的手指关节est the fingertip, also called the distal interphalangeal joints.



The joints in these areas have软骨that cushions and protects the surface of your bones.


In the case of Heberden’s nodes, there’s a degree of uncertainty about how the disease process evolves.

研究shows that the process may involve:

  • ligaments
  • tendons
  • periarthritis
  • the joint capsule

它也是 indicates that there may be some changes in soft tissue, as well as bone.

The cartilage can degrade and become unable to protect your bones. Without this protection, the bones begin to rub against each other.

This process can destroy existing bone and cause significant pain, which can be an early sign of OA and the development of nodes. Over time, the pain may lessen, but the deformity progresses.

As the cartilage continues to break down, new bone grows alongside the existing bone in the form of nodes or bony spurs.

By the time the nodes appear, your fingers may have become stiff, and the pain may have lessened.



Tiny firm-hard swellings may extend from the joint closest to your fingernail. In many cases, your fingers may twist or become crooked as the nodes form.

症状 include :

  • 失去运动
  • 疼痛
  • 肿胀
  • deformed and enlarged fingers
  • stiffness
  • weakness

这里有一些other featuresof Heberden’s nodes:

  • They can affect the fingers or thumb and are most common on the index and middle fingers.
  • You may have more than one node on a finger.
  • 它们可以缓慢或快速出现。
  • 他们经常,但并不总是,当他们开始出现时痛苦。
  • For older women with gout and hypertension and taking a diuretic, such as hydrochlorothiazide, gout can deposit crystals in the nodes, causing acute inflammation. It’s a painful condition that’s erythematous and may mimic an infection.



You may feel limited in your daily activities, and it may be hard to complete tasks for work or household chores.


Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis. It often affects older people, but over一半of those who have both OA and Heberden’s nodes receive a diagnosis before age 65.

Other risk factors include:

  • hereditary conditions that affect the joints
  • 拥有OA in the knee or elsewhere in the body
  • 类风湿关节炎, which can cause joint and cartilage changes
  • gout, which can affect periarticular boney erosion
  • 拥有a family history of these nodes
  • 拥有obesity, as this may increase the risk of OA
  • doing sports or jobs that involve repetitive movements



  • topical treatments containing capsaicin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which are usually given during the acute pain phase, per anecdotal evidence
  • applying heat and cold pads to manage pain and inflammation
  • devices (orthoses) aimed to support specific finger joints
  • 根据one expert, but anesthetizing the skin, with a cold spray, for example, and using a very small needle can help the process move along more smoothly and help the person better tolerate the injection
  • surgery to fuse the joints, if symptoms are severe and other options have not worked

In one small 学习 ,研究人员发现,低水平的激光治疗减少了Heberden's Codes的人们疼痛和肿胀和增加的流动性。

However, more research is necessary to identify the best ways to deliver this procedure and examine the long-term effects.

Treatments for OA of the hand

A wide range of treatments can help you manage OA of the hand, although they’re not specifically for Heberden’s nodes.

Treatmentwill aim to:

  • slow the progression of OA
  • relieve pain
  • maintain joint function and mobility
  • improve your quality of life

However, it’s not yet possible to repair damage that has already occurred.

Lifestyle choices

Experts from the 美国风湿病学院和关节炎基础(ACR / AF) 建议在您自己的待遇计划中发挥积极作用,包括学习新技能并与您的医疗保健提供者合作,为治疗做出决定。

Options may include:

  • Occupational therapy (OT), and the subspecialty hand OT.OT helps you learn new ways of using your hands. Hand OT analyzes your hand function to determine the best methods to benefit your hand OA. Examples of these methods may include splits, specific exercise programs, and assistive devices.
  • Physical therapy (PT).PT helps to enhance or maintain mobility.
  • 认知行为治疗(CBT)。CBT有助于您为正在进行的疼痛,睡眠和与压力相关问题开发应对方法。


Experts recommend锻炼对于拥有OA的每个人,包括手的OA。



  • 针刺
  • paraffin, which is a type of heat therapy
  • gloves that are designed to be warmed, such as those that can be warmed in a microwave
  • 在温水和镁盐的溶液中浸泡
  • 在你的手中缠绕着暖毛巾(在微波炉中温暖或温水)



人们有时使用以下内容,但ACR / AR强烈建议使用它们的手OA:

  • fish oil
  • vitamin D
  • 双膦酸盐
  • 氨基葡萄糖
  • chondroitin sulfate

Studies haven’t shown that these are beneficial, and some may cause adverse effects or interact with other drugs.



  • NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen, for pain and inflammation
  • 乙酰氨基酚,疼痛
  • creams and ointments containing capsaicin or NSAIDs

If these do not work, your healthcare provider may prescribe:

  • higher dose NSAIDs
  • Duloxetine(Cymbalta)
  • corticosteroid injections, if appropriate



Surgical treatment is usually a last resort after conventional treatment options have proven unsuccessful, and it’s rarely done.

Joint replacement surgery is common in knee and hip OA but not for arthritis of the fingers or thumbs, as it has a low success rate.

If you’re experiencing pain, swelling, and a loss of motion in your fingers, it’s a good idea to see a doctor.


  • 问你关于你的症状
  • request and assess your medical history and medications
  • give you aphysical exam
  • in some cases, recommend imaging tests or lab tests
