What is oligohydramnios sequence?

During pregnancy a fetus is bathed in amniotic fluid. Not having enough amniotic fluid is a condition referred to as oligohydramnios. Amniotic fluid is critical. It helps the fetus properly develop. Oligohydramnios is associated with many different conditions affecting a fetus’s organs.


Not all fetuses develop abnormalities because of low levels of amniotic fluid. The occurrence of Oligohydramnios sequence depends a few factors: the stage of pregnancy and level of amniotic fluid. The later stages of pregnancy appear to be the most troublesome. If oligohydramnios sequence occurs at that time, the more serious the condition can be.

Oligohydramnios发生在妊娠的约4%。并非所有病例都涉及液体的严重减少。根据“的情况” 临床神经病学杂志 .


  • aid in the growth and development of the baby’s lungs
  • cushion and protect the baby
  • help the baby’s muscles and bones develop
  • 保持脐带被压缩,这可能会影响血液流量和营养给宝宝
  • 保持恒定温度
  • lubricate the fetus’s body parts and prevents them from fusing



After the 20-week point of development, a baby’s urine largely makes up amniotic fluid. The baby’s kidneys are responsible for filtering fluids and producing urine. If the kidneys don’t function properly, the baby can’t make enough urine. This will result in insufficient amount of amniotic fluid. The chain of events resulting from kidney defects (such as malformation, or failure) may lead to oligohydramnios sequence.


  • autosomal dominant多囊肾
  • autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease
  • 遗传性肾脏anypsplasia

Having高血压要么糖尿病before a woman becomes pregnant can also contribute to oligohydramnios sequence.




有限的羊水使氨的腔smaller than normal. This constricts the fetus, which interferes with normal development and growth. The symptoms of oligohydramnios sequence in a fetus can include facial abnormalities including:

  • 广阔的鼻桥
  • 广泛间隔的眼睛
  • 低套耳朵




孩子出生后,肺和ki的x射线dneys can help a doctor check for abnormal development. This can help diagnose oligohydramnios sequence in a newborn.

There’s currently no cure for oligohydramnios sequence. Sometimes doctors will perform an amnioinfusion, which involves infusing fluid into the womb. The fluid doesn’t contain the same hormones and antibodies as a mother’s amniotic fluid. But, it does cushion the baby and gives it more time to develop. This infusion can increase the risk for infection and may not be enough to help the lungs develop.

In many cases, the condition can cause a miscarriage. In other cases, the fetus is stillborn or dies shortly after birth. If a baby survives until birth, he or she may need resuscitation.


Effects associated with oligohydramnios sequence include:

  • 出生缺陷,如不当工作的肾脏
  • miscarriage, or fetal death before 20 weeks of pregnancy
  • 在婴儿开发37周之前早产或出生
  • stillbirth, where a baby dies in the womb before they are 20 weeks old

如果婴儿正在经历oligohydramnios序列,并且婴儿开发得足够出生,医生可能建议通过婴儿通过剖宫产(C-section). This can allow the baby’s lungs to mature. Survival rates most often depend upon a baby’s lung development. Babies may also experience renal failure. The baby may be able to receive dialysis to act as an artificial kidney and perhaps receive a kidney transplant as they get older.
