

  • hands
  • 武器
  • legs



治疗numbness and tingling will depend on your diagnosis.

Things that we do every day can sometimes causenumbness, including:

  • standing or sitting in one position for a long time
  • 盘腿坐着
  • 在你的手臂上入睡

The examples above place pressure on your nerves. Once you move, the numbness will get better.


Sometimes, a specific injury can produce numbness and tingling, such as an injured nerve in your neck or a椎间盘突出in your spine. Other possible causes are below.


Placing pressure on a nerve is another common cause of numbness and tingling.

The following can place pressure on one or more nerves:

  • enlarged blood vessels
  • ligaments,肌腱和周围的软组织
  • 疤痕组织
  • 一个肿瘤
  • 感染
  • 炎或者swelling of thespinal cord或者


Damage to the skin via arash,, or an injury is another reason for numbness and tingling.


Medical conditions

Some conditions produce numbness and tingling as symptoms. Examples include:

Everyone can experience numbness and tingling on occasion. You probably felt it in the past when you stood up after sitting in one position for a long time. It usually resolves within minutes.

However, consult a doctor if you have:

Also, tell the doctor if the symptoms in your legs worsen when you walk or if you小便比平时更频繁.

When to get urgent care


Expect the doctor to request a complete medical history. Be sure to report all symptoms, even if they don’t seem related, as well as any diagnosed conditions. Note if you had any recent:

The doctor will also need to know about any prescription or over-the-counter medications and supplements you take.




Treatment will focus on resolving any underlying medical conditions and will likely consist of medications.

Other treatments may include:

  • topical remedies, such as creams
  • supplements
  • physical therapy
  • 锻炼
  • wearing a splint or brace
  • 生活方式改变,例如修改饮食

If you experience numbness and tingling, you may also have reduced feeling in the affected areas. Because of this, you can be less likely to feel temperature changes or pain. This means that you might touch something without realizing it’s hot enough to burn your skin.

或者,尖锐的物体可能会在不注意的情况下削减皮肤。确保您采取预防措施以保护自己免受烧伤和other accidental injuries.