She has them, he has them, some have more than one pair of them — the nipple is a wondrous thing.
How we feel about our bodies and all its working parts can be loaded, but perhaps no body part elicits quite as much mixed emotion as the breast — for both men and women.
一个mid a perpetual onslaught of breast augmentation ads, boob-lifting bras, and nipple bans, it can be easy to dismiss that women’s breasts (and specifically nipples) serve more than an evolutionary purpose to feed offspring. (Of course, this doesn’t dictate if women can, should, orwant to have kids。) It’s also easy to forget that male nipples might not be too different either.
Color was a major factor doctors and nurses considered when reading into a woman’s health. In 1671, the English midwifeJane Sharp出版a book called “The Midwives Book or the Whole Art of Midwifry.”
一个ccording to a Stanford course about the female body, Sharp once wrote, “The Nipples are red after Copulation, red as a Strawberry, and that is their Natural colour: But Nurses Nipples, when they give Suck, are blue, and they grow black when they are old.” Thankfully, this practice has been discontinued.
Your nipples can be flat, protruding, inverted, or unclassified (multiple or divided). It’s also possible to have one breast with a protruding nipple and the other with an inverted, making the total combination of nipple types up to eight.
乳头位于乳房的中心部分,并与mammary glands,生产牛奶的地方。乳晕是乳头周围较深的彩色区域。
Inverted nipples,它向内伸出来而不是突出,其功能与“常规”的乳头相同。有可能在一个倒置的乳头上有一个不传向的乳头,并且也有可能倒入后来弹出的乳头。
母乳喂养婴儿后,倒立的乳头往往会消失,不会干扰母乳喂养。刺激或寒冷温度也会暂时导致乳头突出。穿孔和手术可以将“ Innie”乳头转换为“ Outies”。
This is called double and bifurcated nipple. Depending on the ductal system, both nipples may be able to produce milk for infants. However, when breastfeeding, infants may find it difficult to fit both in their mouth.
那些微小的颠簸在您的乳头周围?那是男人和女人都有的毛囊,所以it only makes sense that hair grows there呢这些头发看起来比身体上的其他头发看起来更黑,更柔软,但是如果它们打扰您,您可以像其他头发相同的方式拔,修剪,蜡或剃须。
It’s not unusual for breastfeeding moms to experience pain in their nipples for various reasons, including positioning problems during feeding. But breastfeeding shouldn’t be painful.
Experiencing乳头的疼痛或酸痛还折磨着非摩尔人,可能是PMS或者other hormonal changes, as well as:
- skin irritation
- allergies
- 运动胸罩的摩擦
乳头癌is rare, but get it checked out by a doctor if your pain is persistent or you notice anyblood或者discharge。
大多数人对乳头的外观没有发言权,但是上面的研究信息对乳房重建和整容外科医生有用。Nipple-areolar tattoosare considered the final step in breast reconstruction surgery. These tattoos are growing in popularity among people who get the surgery because it’s a relatively quick and simple procedure with visually realistic results.
This is called
Multiple nipples are called超努乳头。It’s estimated that 1 in 18 people have supernumerary nipples (in fact,Mark Wahlberg has one呢), but it doesn’t stop there. One man had
There’s even one reported case of a woman who had full breast tissue and a nipple on her thigh, and it produced milk after she had her baby.
一定要穿the right sports bra或者protect your nipples with a little凡士林to keep them from chafing against your clothes.
In a study from 2008of 362 people, 94 percent of men and 87 percent of the women polled about theirnipple piercingssaid they’d do it again — and not because piercings were a kink thing. They liked the look of it. Less than half of the sample said it was related to sexual gratification from pain.
You may have heard to look to your nipples for your matching lipstick color, but the conclusion for this is that experts agree to disagree. Despite many other publications (fromRefinery29toMarie Claire) testing this lipstick theory, it’s not 100 percent reliable because your nipples canchange colordue to temperature, pregnancy, and time (it gets darker).
Researchers in 1996dissected cadavers to study the nerve supply to the nipple and areola. They found that the nerves spread out more widely in women than men.
Breast augmentation is an extremely popular surgery, with a37 percent increase从2000年到2016年。手术确实承受着感觉丧失的风险。
They’re called the Montgomery glands, although the scientific name is the areolar glands. These glands produce a secretion called lipoid fluid to help keep the entire areola and nipple area more lubricated and comfortable.
For some moms, this can also happen if they hear someone else’s baby crying! Mothers whose babies are in NICU and too premature or sick to eat, have more success pumping if they have a picture of their baby near.
一个University of Nebraska studyfound that women and men follow similar eye patterns when looking at women: They quickly look at breasts and “sexualized parts” before moving on to other areas of the body.
所以现在你知道:乳头时,a massive range — from bumps to size and even amount! A nipple’s worth isn’t in how much it lactates, but in how you care and treat it because there’s no one version of “normal.” But as with any other part of your body, if you’re ever concerned about something your nipples are doing (or not doing), your best bet is to see a doctor.
Want to learn more about the body? Take a dive into thehidden world of the clitoris(就像那里的冰山一样!)。或者,如果您仍然有胸部和乳头,请找出答案whether or not you’re wearing the right bra size。提示:80%的女性不是!
劳拉·巴塞拉(Laura Barcella)是目前位于布鲁克林的作家和自由作家。她为《纽约时报》,,玛丽·克莱尔(Marie Claire),国际大都会,vanityfair.com等撰写。找到她Twitter。