It’s not uncommon to wake up feeling slightly sweaty or even a bit damp on occasion, especially if you sleep in a warm room.

But withnight sweats,您通常会醒来浸泡在毯子上。您甚至可能需要更换睡衣和床上用品,然后才能入睡。

对于某些人来说,夜间汗水可能会发生menstrual period. This may become more common, or happen for the first time, as you approach perimenopause in your mid 30s or 40s.

Read on to learn more about night sweats that happen during your period, including why they happen, how to manage them, and when to see a doctor.

夜汗经常发生经前综合症(PMS), though they can also occur after your period starts.

Your hormones fluctuate as a normal part of your menstrual cycle. Specifically, changes in estrogen and progesterone levels can contribute to PMS symptoms, includinghot flashes和night sweats.


As a result, your brain may respond more readily to even slight temperature changes and send signals telling your body to cool you off by sweating, even if it isn’t necessary.

could it be perimenopause?


Perimenopause symptoms typically begin after the age of 40, but they might begin as early as your mid- to late 30s. In fact, night sweats are often one of the first signs that you’re approaching menopause.


Experts have sincefound evidenceto suggest ovaries could still function with this condition, though function is generally unpredictable.

Symptoms include:

  • 罕见,不规则或错过的时期
  • 夜汗和潮热
  • changes in mood or ability to concentrate
  • decreased interest in sex
  • vaginal dryness
  • pain during sex

POI can increase your risk for心脏疾病并可能使骨折的可能性更大。


Night sweats can have a range of causes other than hormonal issues.

If you sometimes have night sweats outside of your period, they could be a symptom of:

Night sweats also sometimes occur as a side effect of medications. The most common drugs that can cause night sweats include:


Frequent night sweats can cause discomfort and may even affect your sleep, but you can take steps to address them. Certain lifestyle changes may help improve night sweats without medication or other medical treatment.

Try these tips to help relieve night sweats:

  • 降低温度在你的卧室。For example, you might leave the window open during the night or use a fan.
  • Change heavier blankets for breathable, layered bedding.Use lightweight cotton sheets and blankets. You might also consider bedding made from quick-drying or moisture-wicking fabrics. Light layers of bedding can help you stay cooler, since you can push back the layers you don’t need.
  • Keep an ice pack under your pillow.Placing a soft gel cold pack under your pillow before you go to bed can help cool your sleeping environment. When you wake up in the night, you can flip your pillow over to cool off your face.
  • 躺在床上冷水。Use an insulated flask or thermos so your water stays cool overnight. Taking a few sips of water when you wake up can help you stay cool.
  • Exercise regularly.运动有很多benefits,包括帮助减轻压力,这可能导致夜间汗水。上床睡觉之前,请避免进行重型运动。运动后洗个澡也可能会有所帮助。
  • 避免触发器。Common triggers of extreme nighttime sweating include spicy food, alcohol, cigarettes, and caffeine. Avoiding these in the hours before bedtime, or entirely, may help reduce night sweats. Less caffeine might also帮助改进PMS symptoms.
  • 喝很多的水。Getting enough water throughout the day is important forgood health. It can also help keep your body cool, which may help reduce the chances you’ll experience heavy sweating at night.

If your night sweats persist on a regular basis and causeinsomnia或者other distress, you may want to make an appointment with your healthcare provider.

Night sweats can happen at any age, but you might be even more likely to experience them in your late 30s or early 40s.

If you only experience night sweats just before or during your period, you probably don’t need to worry, especially if you don’t have any other unusual or concerning symptoms.

If you begin having any symptoms of menopause before your late 30s, you may want to see your doctor to rule out POI, which can lead to infertility and increase your risk for heart disease and bone fractures.

Sometimes, night sweatscan indicatea more serious condition. It’s a good idea to talk to a healthcare provider about persistent night sweats if you also notice any of these other symptoms:

  • 麻烦睡个好觉
  • fever
  • 或多或少的食欲比平常
  • 无法解释的体重减轻
  • 无法解释的皮疹
  • swollen lymph nodes

If night sweats negatively affect your quality of life, it can’t hurt to bring them up with your healthcare provider. They can help you explore possible treatment options for relief.

Severe night sweats, even those that happen along with perimenopause or menopause, might not improve without medication. Medications sometimes prescribed to help manage night sweats might includehormone therapy或低剂量的抗抑郁药。

Night sweats during your period can be a normal symptom of hormonal fluctuations. But if they’re accompanied by any other unusual symptoms, it’s best to follow up with your healthcare provider to rule out any potential underlying causes.