
While night sweats are a common symptom of menopause, they can also be caused by some medical conditions and certain medications.




Cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy can result in night sweats as well. They can also happen in men who have their testicles removed to treat前列腺癌

In some cases, you may experience night sweats as a side effect of a medication that you’re taking. This might include certain抗抑郁药,激素治疗, and opioids.


To treat night sweats, your doctor will take steps to identify and address their underlying cause. Your treatment plan will depend on your specific diagnosis. The following are common causes of night sweats with potential treatment options:

  • 绝经。Lifestyle changes, like sleeping in cool rooms and avoiding alcohol, may help with hot flashes and night sweats. If these aren’t sufficient,hormone therapymay help reduce the number of热闪光you experience and alleviate other symptoms. Your doctor may also prescribe other medications for hot flashes, such as paroxetine andgabapentinVenlafaxine.is also used off-label for night sweats.
  • 潜在的感染。Depending on the type of infection you have,antibiotics,抗病毒药物或其他药物可能有助于治疗它。
  • 癌症。您的医生可能会建议组合化疗药物, surgery, or other treatments. Since these treatments can also cause night sweats, they may additionally be treated with hormone therapy or other medications.
  • Anxiety.你的医生可以规定medicationslike anti-anxiety drugs or antidepressants. They may also recommend therapy.
  • 甲状腺功能亢进。药物,放射性碘治疗或有时手术用于治疗过度活性的甲状腺。
  • 药物。Your doctor may adjust your dosage or recommend an alternative drug.
  • Alcohol or caffeine consumption, or drug use.Limiting or avoiding these substances may help reduce night sweats. In some cases, your doctor may prescribe medications or recommend therapy to help you quit.

您的医生也可能建议您调整您的sleeping habits。从床上卸下毯子,穿着打火机睡衣,或在卧室里打开窗户可能有助于预防和缓解夜间汗水。它还可能有助于使用空调或风扇,或找到凉爽的睡眠地点。

Night sweats aren’t usually a cause for concern. In some cases, though, they may be a sign of an underlying medical condition that requires treatment.

Night sweats are common in menopause, which usually starts around age 50. However, if you experience night sweats and other menopause symptoms before you turn 40, it’s important to talk with your doctor. This may indicate a condition called原发性卵巢不足

如果您培养往往常常发生的夜间汗水,扰乱睡眠,或伴随其他症状,也很重要。夜间出汗高烧,咳嗽, or无法解释的减肥可能是严重的医疗状况的标志。

In those who have淋巴瘤要么HIV,夜间汗水可能表明条件正在进行中。

Lifestyle changes may help prevent some causes of night sweats. To lower your risk of experiencing night sweats:


