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The Tdap vaccine is a combination vaccine. It protects preteens and adults against three diseases: tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping cough).



Tdap is different than the DTaP vaccine (diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough), which is given to infants and children in five doses, starting at 2 months of age. Tdap is only for those above age 7.

Is it a live vaccine?

Nope. Diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus vaccines aren’t live vaccinations.


  • inactivated vaccines, which contain microbes killed by chemicals, heat, or radiation
  • subunits, which contain only part of the microbe
  • toxoids, which contain inactivated toxins
  • 缀合物,其含有与毒素有关的亚基





破伤风can lead to serious health problems, including an inability to open your mouth and difficulty swallowing and breathing.

Today, tetanus is uncommon in the United States, with an average of about 30 reported cases each year.


白喉is caused by strains of bacteria that are typically transmitted through respiratory droplets, coughing, or sneezing.



  • 弱点
  • 咽喉痛
  • 低烧
  • swollen glands in the neck



The Tdap vaccine protects against whooping cough, which can be debilitating and last for months. It can cause uncontrollable, violent coughing that makes it hard to breathe or consume food or drinks.

Tdap also helps protect infants who are too young to be vaccinated against whooping cough. Parents, siblings, and grandparents are often the source of whooping cough in infants.

Young children have been vaccinated against whooping cough since the 1940s. But protection against the disease naturally wears off over time, so booster vaccines can help keep up immunity. To stay up to date, contact a healthcare professional to set up routine reviews of vaccine history for you and your child.



  • 注射部位轻度疼痛,发红,或肿胀
  • fatigue
  • body aches
  • 头痛
  • nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
  • 低烧
  • 给出疫苗的整个手臂肿胀

Severe problems after the Tdap vaccine are rarely reported, but may include:

  • 注射部位严重肿胀,疼痛或出血
  • a very high fever
  • signs of allergic reaction within a few minutes to a few hours of vaccine, which may include hives, swelling of the face or throat, difficulty breathing, rapid heart rate, and dizziness

If you notice any of these severe symptoms after receiving the Tdap vaccine, seek medical attention.

疫苗的成本是在大多数私人保险计划下涵盖的。请务必查看您的保险提供商以获取详细信息。你也可以咨询你的state health departmentsor local health centers for low-cost or free vaccinations.

Tdap vaccines are also covered under Medicare part D plans. There may be a cost associated with your specific plan, though, so check with your Medicare representative.

Vaccines for Children 是说联邦政府资助的m that provides vaccines for children 18 years and younger who are uninsured, underinsured, Medicaid-eligible, American Indian, or Alaska Native.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that those who are pregnant receive a Tdap vaccine anytime between weeks 27 and 36 of pregnancy.

If you’re pregnant, once you have protection from the vaccine, whooping cough is less likely to transmit to a newborn. Infants are more likely to develop severe, life threatening complications from whooping cough.

Doctors will recommend a TDAP疫苗接种时间表 根据您的年龄和疫苗接种历史:

  • 11至12年代:1剂量TDAP.
  • 怀孕:1剂量TDAP.during each pregnancy, preferably anytime between 27 to 36 weeks

Catch-up vaccination

  • 13至18岁的人没有收到TDAP:1剂量TDAP,然后是每10年一次的TD(以防止破伤风和白喉)或TDAP助推器
  • Ages 7 to 18 years who aren’t fully vaccinated with DTaP:1剂量TDAP作为捕获系列的一部分(优选第一剂量);如果需要额外的剂量,请使用TD或TDAP
  • TDAP在7至10年内施用:
    • Children age 7 to 9 who receive Tdap should receive the routine Tdap dose at ages 11 to 12.
    • Children age 10 who receive Tdap don’t need to receive the routine Tdap dose at ages 11 to 12.

如果你年满18岁或以上,那么 疾病预防控制中心 recommends that you get a dose of Tdap in place of your next Td (tetanus and diphtheria) booster if:

  • 你从未有过TDAP疫苗
  • you don’t remember if you’ve ever had the Tdap vaccine


You should get a Tdap booster before the 10-year interval if:

  • 您预计与12个月更年轻的婴儿有紧密接触(在持有婴儿之前至少2周获得疫苗)
  • 你怀孕了

Although the risk of having a severe allergic reaction to a Tdap vaccine is very low, certain people should avoid getting the Tdap vaccine, including:

  • 对含有破伤风,白喉或百日咳的任何疫苗有过威胁的人的人
  • people who were in a coma or had seizures within 7 days of a childhood dose of DTP or DTaP, or a previous dose of Tdap
  • 任何7岁以下的人


Also, let your doctor know if you’ve ever hadGuillain-Barré综合征或者如果您在任何含有白喉,破伤风或百日咳的任何疫苗后经历过严重的疼痛或肿胀。

医疗保健专业人员办公室 - 例如儿科医生,家庭从业者或社区健康诊所 - 通常是接受TDAP疫苗的最佳地点。

These vaccines may also be available for adults at:

  • 药房
  • workplaces
  • 卫生部门
  • 其他社区地点,如学校和宗教中心

You can also reach out to federally funded health centers as well as your state health department to learn where to get a vaccine near you.
