
神经心理学家是一个行业性的心理学家zes in understanding the relationship between the physical brain and behavior. The brain is complex. Disorders within the brain and nervous system can alter behavior and cognitive function.

According to theUniversity of Rochester Medical Center,神经心理学家的作用是了解脑结构和系统如何与行为和思维有关。




  • memory difficulties
  • mood disturbances
  • learning difficulties
  • nervous system dysfunction

If other doctors can’t identify the cause of a symptom, a neuropsychologist can help determine a diagnosis. If a diagnosis is already known, an assessment can still be helpful.

A neuropsychologist can help determine what impairments you might have and how severe they are. The following are examples of conditions they evaluate and treat:

  • 中风可以以明显或微妙的方式影响行为,思维,记忆和其他大脑功能。他们可以执行评估,以帮助确定冲程障碍程度。
  • Parkinson’s disease, a progressive disorder, can cause several neurological problems. A neuropsychologist’s exam can provide a baseline to help them determine disease progression and decreased function.
  • 阿尔茨海默病的疾病和其他类型的痴呆症可以干扰内存,个性和认知能力。神经心理学家可以执行考试,以帮助他们在早期阶段识别它。
  • 创伤性脑损伤会导致各种各样的症状。神经心理学家可以帮助确定伤害如何影响推理或解决问题的功能。
  • 神经心理学家可以帮助确定有人拥有和发展治疗计划的许多类型的学习障碍。

The nervous system is complex. Neuropsychologists use different types of procedures to identify problems and treatment plans. Typical procedures they perform include:


This evaluation is an assessment of how your brain functions. The evaluation will include an interview and questions that will help outline your performance of daily tasks, as well as identify memory issues and mental health concerns. The interview will also cover information on symptoms, medical history, and medications you take.

An evaluation includes different types of standardized tests to measure many areas of brain function, including:

  • memory
  • 认知能力
  • personality
  • problem-solving
  • 推理
  • 情绪
  • personality

Brain scans, such as CT or MRI scans, can also help a neuropsychologist make a diagnosis.



