Get the sleep you need

根据 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ,超过三分之一的U.S. adults routinely sleep fewer than six hours a night. That’s bad news because the benefits of adequate sleep range from better heart health and less stress to improved memory and weight loss.

Stop loading up on caffeine or sneaking in naps and use our top tips to help get the shut-eye you need to manage your health.


Researchers in西北大学神经生物学和生理学系报道说,以前久坐的成年人每周四次进行有氧运动,从而改善了他们的睡眠质量从贫穷到良好。这些以前的沙发土豆还报告说,白天的抑郁症状较少,活力更多和嗜睡较少。只需确保在就寝前几个小时结束您的锻炼课程,这样您就不会太过愉快地睡个好觉。

Cut out the food and drinks that contain caffeine, such as coffee, tea, soft drinks, and chocolate, by mid-afternoon. Make dinner your lightest meal, and finish it a few hours before bedtime. Skip spicy or heavy foods, which can keep you awake with heartburn or indigestion.

A study found that smokers are four times more likely to not feel as well rested after a full night’s sleep than nonsmokers. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine attribute this to the stimulative effect of nicotine and the nighttime withdrawal from it. Smoking also exacerbates sleep apnea and other breathing disorders such as asthma, which can make it difficult to get restful sleep.

Alcohol disrupts the pattern of sleep and brainwaves that help you feel refreshed in the morning. A martini may help you doze off initially, but once it wears off, you’re likely to wake up and have a hard time getting back to sleep, according to梅奥诊所.

ANational Sleep Foundation (NSF) surveyfound that nearly all participants used some type of electronics, like a television, computer, video game, or cell phone, within the last hour before going to bed. That’s a bad idea. Light from these devices stimulates the brain, making it harder to wind down. Put your gadgets away an hour before bedtime to fall asleep more quickly and sleep more soundly.

Astudy由梅奥诊所(Mayo Clinic)的约翰·谢泼德(John Shepard)博士表演,发现有53%的宠物用宠物睡眠的宠物主人每天晚上经历睡眠中断。与孩子一起睡觉的成年人中,超过80%的成年人难以获得睡个好觉。狗和孩子可以是一些最大的床猪,还有一些最糟糕的卧铺。每个人都应该拥有自己的睡眠空间,因此请将狗和孩子放在床上。

Eighty degrees may be great for the beach, but it’s lousy for the bedroom at night. A temperate room is more conducive to sleeping than a tropical one. TheNSFrecommends a temperature somewhere around 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Striking a balance between the thermostat, the bed covers, and your sleeping attire will reduce your core body temperature and help you drift off to sleep faster and more deeply.

Light tells your brain that it’s time to wake up, so make your room as dark as possible for sleep. Even a small amount of ambient light from your cell phone or computer can disrupt the production of melatonin (a hormone that helps regulate sleep cycles) and overall sleep.

Your bed should be associated with sleeping, not working, eating, or watching TV. If you wake up during the night, skip turning on your laptop or TV and do something soothing like meditating or reading until you feel sleepy again.

Sleep is a beautiful thing. If you feel you’re not getting enough sleep, or not enjoying quality sleep, these simple adjustments can help contribute to a more restful night.