

鼻子polyps良性(noncancerous) growths of the lining tissues, or mucosa, of your nose.

鼻息肉在鼻粘膜的发炎组织中生长。粘膜是一个非常湿的层,有助于保护鼻子内部和鼻窦,并加湿你呼吸的空气。在感染或allergy-induced irritation,鼻粘膜变得肿胀,红色,它可能产生滴空的流体。随着延长刺激,粘膜可能形成息肉。息肉是圆形的增长(就像一个小囊肿) that can block nasal passages.


There may be a hereditary tendency for some people to develop polyps. This may be due to the way their genes cause their mucosa to react to inflammation.

鼻子polyps are soft, painless growths inside the nasal passages. They often occur in the area where the upper sinuses drain into your nose (where your eyes, nose, and cheekbones meet). You may not even know that you have polyps because they lack nerve sensation.


  • 鼻子被阻挡的感觉
  • 流鼻涕
  • postnasal drip,这是多余的粘液落在喉咙后面的时候
  • 鼻闷
  • nasal congestion
  • 减少气味
  • breathing through your mouth
  • 额头或面部压力的感觉
  • 睡眠呼吸暂停
  • snoring

疼痛或headachesmay also occur if there’s a sinus infection in addition to the polyp.

如果您的医生用一个名为耳镜或鼻镜的点燃仪器抬头,则可能会看到鼻息肉可能会看到。如果息肉在鼻窦中更深,你的医生可能需要执行鼻腔内窥镜检查。This procedure involves your doctor guiding a thin, flexible tube with a light and camera at the end into your nasal passages.

一种CT扫描orMRI scanmay be necessary to determine the exact size and location of the polyp. Polyps show up as opaque spots on these scans. Scans can also reveal whether the polyp deformed the bone in the area. This can also rule out other kinds of growths that may be more medically serious, such as structural deformities orcancerous growths

一种llergy testscan help doctors determine the source of persistent nasal inflammation. These tests involve making tiny skin pricks in your skin and depositing the liquid form of a variety of allergens. Your doctor will then see if your免疫系统reacts to any of the allergens.




Spraying nasal steroids into the nose can reduce your runny nose and the sensation of blockage by shrinking the polyp. However, if you stop taking them, symptoms may quickly return. Examples of nasal steroids include:

  • 氟络石(Flonase,veramyst)
  • Budesonide(Rhinocort)
  • Mometasone(纳西克斯)

口服或可注射的类固醇,如prednisone如果鼻喷雾不起作用,可能是一个选项。由于其严重的副作用,这些不是长期解决方案,包括fluid retention增加血压那and elevated pressure in the eyes.

一种ntihistamines or antibiotics may also treat allergies or sinus infections caused by inflammation in the nose.




手术后,鼻腔喷雾剂和盐水洗prevent polyps from returning. In general, reducing the inflammation of the nasal passages with nasal sprays, anti-allergy medications, and saline washes can help prevent nasal polyps from developing.

Treating nasal polyps, especially with surgery, may result in nosebleeds. Surgery may also result in infection. Continued treatment with nasal steroid sprays or oral corticosteroids may lower your resistance to sinus infections.
