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The modern world has its comforts, but it can also be rough on your precious ears. Loud music, house-rumbling construction noises, and more can all contribute to gradual听力损失


However, there are ways to cope with hearing loss, including wearing a hearing aid or personal sound amplification product (PSAP).

Below, we take a closer look at Nano Hearing Aids and outline the difference between PSAPs and助听器



Since 2017, the非处方助听器法案允许出售OTC PSAP,以改善对这类设备的访问。不过,食品药品监督管理局(FDA)目前没有像助听器一样调节PSAP。




In October 2021, the FDA 提出了第三个新类别:场外助听器。Once approved, this category would allow hearing aids to be sold directly online or in stores without requiring a medical exam or fitting appointment with an audiologist.


Nano提供了各种不同的型号。他们两者都出售落后设备。Current options include the following:




When the battery is low, users get an audible alert.

Users can also access frequency and feedback controls to eliminate unwanted noise.

Along with the hearing aids, the package comes with a 6-month supply of batteries, cleaning supplies, four earbud sizes, and a portable case.

纳米sigma +

Nano Sigma+ hearing aids

These devices are Bluetooth-enabled and work with the Nano mobile app. They use two directional microphones to enhance the important noises and minimize sounds you don’t want to focus on. They’re battery-powered and fit behind the ear.

Nano Mobile应用程序允许您在智能手机上完成听力测试,然后根据测试结果帮助助听器调整。

A protective carrying case, charging dock, cleaning supplies, a manual with directions, and four-plus earbud sizes are included with purchase.



这些具有噪音过滤和 - 现实技术以及易于打印的按钮。它们也适合耳朵。

他们提供四种不同的设置,具体取决于您所处的环境类型。您可以单一充电最多使用Nano X2充值16小时。他们带有充电案。

Along with a protective carrying case, the X2 Recharge hearing aids come with four different earbud sizes, cleaning supplies, and a user manual.

Nano RX2000 Rechargeable

Nano RX2000 Rechargeable

这些单元走在耳朵后面,并具有降噪技术。像Nano X2充电一样,充电后最多可使用16小时。

RX2000仅提供两个环境声音设置,并且没有方向性麦克风。因此,它们的价格比Nano X2可充电少一些。

This model also comes with cleaning supplies, extra ear tubes, and four different earbud sizes.





Nano Hearing Aids cost between $1,289 and $3,500, and that’s forunit to outfit one ear. However, there are frequent sales and options to buy one get one free.

The cost for a set of prescription hearing aids ranges from $1,600 to $8,000.


  • 纳米助听器的名称具有误导性,因为它们不是真正的医疗助听器,也不是FDA批准的。
  • 目前没有专门致电Nano的FDA警告信。但是,在2018年, FDAissued a letter to all hearing device companies, cautioning them against advertising their products as OTC hearing aids.
  • There are no recent or pending lawsuits involving Nano Hearing Aids, but there have been many complaints lodged with the BBB.

Most of the complaints we found have to do with product quality issues or issues with refunds. Some customers note they were not satisfied with the responses or outcomes. (There have even been examples of当地新闻站介入尝试帮助客户获得全额退款。)



To start a return, you’ll need to call or email the company. Some complaints outline problems with the return process. In some cases, people say they never received their refunds.


Here’s an overview of the pros and cons of Nano Hearing Aids:


  • 比处方助听器更实惠Nano的一些选择比医疗助听器便宜,这使得预算的人更容易获得。
  • Easier to access than prescription hearing aids.您不需要处方即可购买其中一种设备。


  • 未批准FDA。纳米与FDA注册助听器,which is something that every company selling medical devices has to do. They’re not regulated like prescription hearing aids.
  • 新技术背后没有证据。Nano claims that their app, which works with some of their more recent devices, can perform hearing tests. There’s no evidence that these tests can replace audiograms and other doctor-performed hearing tests.
  • 大量客户投诉。Most of these complaints are about product quality, customer service, and success with returns.

尽管除非您18岁,否则您不需要被医生看见 FDA 建议在购买任何类型的助听器之前进行检查。



Want the convenience of ordering hearing devices online but not sold on Nano Hearing Aids? Similar online竞争对手include:

  • 小说。小说专注于客户支持,并通过免费的在线听力测试和45天的无风险试用。
  • 活泼。活泼提供100天无风险的试用,以及按需听力学家护理和听力设备调整。
  • eargo。eargoincludes unlimited lifetime support via phone, chat, and video. Extended warranties are also available on these hearing devices.

Comparison table

姓名 Price 助听器类型 听力损失类型 Trial period Warranty
小说 ranges from $998–$2,798 BTE(落后),RIC(纳入接收器)和CIC(完全中的) mild to severe 45 days 1年
活泼 每耳朵的$ 1,195– $ 1,995 仅BTE mild to moderate 100天 3 years
eargo 从$ 1,450– $ 2,950不等 IIC (invisible-in-canal) mild to moderate high frequency 45 days 1–2 years



Companies should be transparent about the differences between prescription devices and OTC devices. Unfortunately, many brands are more interested in selling their products than giving sound advice to customers.

On Nano’s FAQ page, they say that it’s unnecessary to see an audiologist, which makes us hesitant to recommend their products.




  • 听力损失interferes with your daily activities
  • 听力损失becomes worse or doesn’t go away
  • 突然的听力损失occurs
  • you hear ringing sounds in your ears
  • ear pain occurs in addition to hearing loss
  • 听力损失results inheadaches
  • 事故或伤害会影响您的听力



Original Medicare不涵盖任何助听器或听力考试。一些Medicare Advantage计划(C部分)包括额外的覆盖效益,但您需要与他们联系,以进一步讨论您的计划所做的和不涵盖的内容。


Where are Nano Hearing Aids made?


Does Nano Hearing Aids provide good hearing aids?


If you have concerns about your hearing, you’ll want to discuss it with a healthcare professional and get appropriate treatment. Nano Hearing Aids shouldn’t be used as a substitute for medical care.

Without a firm FDA ruling, we can’t recommend Nano Hearing Aids. We’re also wary of the way Nano markets their products as “hearing aids.”



Steph Coelho是长期偏头痛的自由作家,他对健康和健康特别感兴趣。当她没有在键盘上敲击斜纹,她可能会在一本好书中深陷鼻子。

Catherine Crider, CD/PCD(DONA), CLEC, CBE, JD, MEd, has worked with children for the past decade as a trained elementary and special education teacher, and finds special joy in supporting blossoming families and their infants. She enjoys educating new parents and parents-to-be about their different options as well as the current best practices in baby care. Catherine writes for various websites and teaches full-spectrum childbirth and postpartum education in several locations in California’s North Bay Area and Peninsula.