A therapist uses myotherapy techniques on a patient lying face down on a table. 分享pinterest.
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根据这一点International Myotherapy Association,Myotherapy于1976年由Bonnie Prudden开发。它建立了珍妮特特拉维尔博士开发的技术 - 尤其是,谁是约翰F.肯尼迪的个人博士和汉斯·克拉斯博士。

In this article, we’ll explore how myotherapy works, the conditions it may help, and why it may be beneficial.


Trigger points are sensitive areas of tight muscle fibers that form in your muscles, typically from overuse or injury. To relieve tension in these areas, a myotherapist employs special massage techniques using their hands, fingers, elbows, or knuckles.

The idea that pain can originate in a muscle has been widely accepted in the medical community onlysince the 1990s. However, more recent evidence has found that pain originating in a muscle is very common

Sometimes an injury or dysfunction of a muscle can lead toreferred pain在附近的地区。

Myotherapy is still an emerging specialization, so there’s currently a limited amount of research examining its effectiveness. However, since it’s a specialized form of remedial massage, it has the potential to deliver the same or very similar benefits.

澳大利亚注册Myotherapists研究所进行了一个 literature review in 2013. According to this review, remedial massage may help:

Additionally, evidence has emerged over the last 10 years to suggest that treating painful trigger points may help aid muscle contractions and optimize muscular movement, according to the Institute of Registered Myotherapists of Australia.

Myotherapy is used to treat a wide range of conditions that involve your muscles or soft tissue.

Some conditions that may benefit from myotherapy treatment include:

A 2014年研究综述 发现按摩可能有助于在与传统治疗配合时减少纤维肌痛的人们的疼痛,焦虑和抑郁。然而,作者指出,需要更多的大规模研究来充分探索其效果。

Myotherapy andphysical therapy分享许多相似之处。两种疗法的从业者使用按摩和拉伸等技术,以帮助减少疼痛并改善移动性。

Myotherapy is a specialized type of remedial massage, and therapists generally focus on hands-on techniques to decrease muscular pain.

Physical therapists are rehabilitation specialists who use a wider range of treatments to help people regain mobility and strength after injury or surgery.


Myotherapy Physical therapy
Myotherapists primarily use massage and trigger point therapy. Physical therapists primarily use exercises, stretches, or hands-on manipulation to help you move better.
It targets pain caused by muscle and myofascial dysfunction. 它适应大量的肌肉骨骼问题。
It’s considered an alternative therapy. It’s widely accepted in mainstream medicine.
Myotherapists primarily work in private practices. 物理治疗师在私人实践和医院工作。


  • 您目前正在服用的任何药物
  • your prior illnesses
  • 你有任何手术
  • whether you participate in any sports
  • your occupation
  • your accident history


For treatment, they may use techniques such as:

If your myotherapist doesn’t believe your pain is due to muscular issues, they may refer you to another healthcare professional.

您可以从Bonnie Prudden找到一份认证的Bonnie Prudden Myoperapists(CBPM)许可按摩治疗师(LMT)列表热线目录. The directory provides a list of therapists in 14 states.

Therapists on the list have completed 1,300 hours of schooling and must complete 35 hours of continuing education hours per year.


  • 触发点释放
  • 按摩
  • a variety of other techniques

