Relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) is the most common form of multiple sclerosis (MS).

You may have periods when symptoms either don’t progress or don’t occur at all (remission) followed by bouts of worsening symptoms or brand-new symptoms (relapse).


Over time, inflammation will affect the central nervous system of people with MS. This makes symptoms and overall disease progression difficult to predict.

With RRMS, symptoms may worsen over time. Subsequently, your treatment plan may require modification.

如果您有新症状,您可能正在考虑切换药物。While switching RRMS medications might be helpful, the transition won’t necessarily be a smooth one. Talking with your doctor can help.

Before you stop your current treatment plan and start up another one, be sure todiscuss安全考虑,有效性以及医生副作用的可能性。您还需要了解所有剂量信息。

MS medications are also known as disease-modifying therapies (DMTs). The primary goal of DMTs is to help prevent new lesions and new symptoms from occurring. They also help slow disease progression.


  • Your medication causes intolerable side effects.
  • Your RRMS has gotten worse.
  • pregnant or trying to conceive
  • You can no longer afford your medication.
  • The medication’s treatment schedule isn’t working for you.

Your symptoms can also indicate whether or not your DMT is working properly. Common symptoms of RRMS include:

  • blurry or double vision
  • changes in memory
  • weakness in the arms or legs
  • 走路困难



如果新症状继续发展,人们通常会进行这种类型的转换6 monthsof treatment with a DMT. However, keep in mind some medications may take 6 months to become fully active.

Your doctor will also consider the number of relapses you’ve had in the past year.

The more recent your relapse, the more likely it is that your RRMS will respond to a new DMT.

DMTs come in the form ofinjections口服片剂。有些也静脉注射或通过静脉交付。

In addition to DMTs, your doctor may prescribe medications to treat symptoms that are directly related to RRMS.

For example, your doctor might recommend antidepressants for anxiety or depression. They might also recommend medications that reduce muscle spasms, such as baclofen (Lioresal, Gablofen).

It’s important that you don’t stop taking these types of medications just because you suspect your current DMT isn’t working. Your doctor will evaluate all of your current medications and help you adjust accordingly.

Suddenly stopping any medication can cause increased symptoms, such as worsening depression when abruptly stopping the use of an antidepressant.

The following side effects are associated with RRMS medications:

  • eye swelling (macular edema)
  • 流感样症状
  • 胃肠道不适
  • herpes infections
  • high blood pressure
  • increased liver enzymes, which indicate liver inflammation
  • flushing of the skin
  • 皮肤反应,在可注射药物的情况下
  • thinning hair
  • worsening thyroid symptoms, in the case of preexisting related diseases


However, if you experience any new or worsening symptoms, it’s likely related to your new medication. At this point, you may talk to your doctor about switching your DMT to get rid of these side effects. If you take multiple medications to manage your symptoms, this process may take time.



If you’reunhappy with your medicationand decide to switch, your doctor will be the ultimate source of guidance. They’ll carefully monitor your condition as you transition between medications in case there are any signs that a certain medication isn’t working.


Keep in mind that everyone responds to MS therapies differently, so continue touching base with your doctor to see if your current plan is the best fit.